Rick and his brothers (Rick, Robin, James [left to right]) the night before the surgery. And the recovery continues . . . at home! Yay! Rick came home from the hospital yesterday and is doing really well. He's getting around with a walker as he decided that works better for him than crutches. Since we live in an older home with at least 15 steep stairs to the bedrooms on the 2nd floor, Maddy and I made the family room into his temporary room. We moved most of the furniture into the living room and dining room and rented a hospital bed for him. It was a good move as he reported that he had a great night's sleep last night... and we all know how important good sleep is to recovery! There is also a recliner there and he is currently enjoying a movie while he rests a bit. He's doing a bit of walking and his exercises diligently -- I foresee a speedy recovery!
The rest of the house seems to be in a huge state of disarray with furniture, toys and everything else shoved here and there wherever it fits. I'm definitely not a perfectionist when it comes to the house, but it is a little disconcerting to have things everywhere. But, I know it's only temporary. I'm going to look at it as a great opportunity to get rid of a lot of stuff. Now, if I can just sneak some old, unused toys in the give-away bags, that would go a long way to clearing out some of the stuff.
Anybody ever sell things on ebay? Cboo has a number of nice shirts/polos and consignment stores don't want guy stuff. I've also got a couple of beautiful Gymboree holiday dresses that Maddy wore only once. So, I may be figuring out just how to list and sell a few things. Another way to get rid of some of the stuff around here.
The patient calls, must put my nursing cap back on! Enjoy your holiday weekend!