I'd be lying if I said it was all rainbows and puppy tails and my Momma said never to lie! It's been a bit of a challenge, especially since our backyard is not totally fenced in, so someone has to be outside with her at all times . . . and that would be . . . who???

[Walking Muffy -- our first week home -- look -- she found some dirt, worms or acorns to eat!!]
It's not all gloom and doom though -- she is a funny and cute little doggie! If she sees something new, she sits and barks at it. Though she's a feisty little terrier, she ignores squirrels and instead tries to chase birds!
Our vet says acorns are poisonous (true?), even so Muffy wants to eat every single acorn out there. The bad news about that is that our trees lose probably 1,000+ acorns every fall and they have already started dropping!
Her other favorite tasty morsel is dead worms! Yes, we've had a ton of rain the last few weeks and there have been lots and lots of worms and worm bodies out there for her to feast on -- what -- are they protein or something? Ewwww! More good news --her little ears are pointed up most of the time now and while Maddy said that means she is a good listener, I'm not totally convinced.
I just reread this -- forget all the negatives -- she is a sweet puppy though the cute puppy stage is vastly overrated! Soon, we start puppy manners classes - fingers crossed for speedy results!