I seem to have misplaced my blogging mojo lately. Please forgive me if I haven't read or commented on your blog. For one thing, my computer is from the dark ages and so incredibly SLOW!
Plus, to tell the truth, I've been feeling a wee bit stressssed lately [see, I couldn't even spell stressed right!]. I'm a worrier!! Worry about this and that and so many things right now. My head aches, my neck and shoulders are tense and hurt and I can't sleep past 3 or 4 am nearly every day. Well, I usually do fall back asleep finally around 5:15 am and then the alarm goes off at 5:45! Time to get up -- ugh!
I really need to remember and repeat daily, no . . . make that hourly, one of my favorite Chinese proverbs: "Worry doesn't empty tomorrow of its problems. It empties today of its strength."
Already I feel better [thanks for listening] and in attempt to get my mojo back, I thought, how about a post about nothing really? Wow -- that sounds interesting, doesn't it? :) Hmmm -- wasn't there a slightly successful tv show in the past about nothing!
So, here goes with some things I've really been liking lately:
Love this hat, but don't have the guts to wear it though
I totally need it to hide my hair and dark circles under my eyes!
I think you have to be a bit younger than me to pull off a cool hat like this!

These are Maddy's school shoes! Aren't they the most adorable ever? Little Nike Mary Jane's!! I searched for my size. But, bummer -- they don't come in adult sizes.

love love love this rolled-paper wreath. I saw it on some blogs last year. Please forgive me if you're the blogger whose photo I borrowed. It's my inspiration!
I hope to make one myself this year!
Ready for storms and power outages with all these lovely candlesticks and candles!

Isn't that chunky little mercury glass candle holder cute?
How about those little bottles? Adorable!!