Monday, September 29, 2008
Things That Go Bump in the Night
When she was younger, occasionally she would have night terrors. Now, that was really frightening -- maybe more so to me than to her, since she didn't remember them. What happened was that I would hear her crying and some loud noises. When I went to her room, I would find her in a corner of the room kicking and crying, looking absolutely terrified and acting like she was trying to get away from something. The next day, she had no memory of it whatsoever. It didn't happen very often, but occasionally, and it seemed that it would happen on nights when she was really fatigued. That hasn't happened in a very long time, so I think she grew out of it. I'm hoping we don't have a little sleepwalker on our hands as we have a rather steep staircase from the upstairs to downstairs -- guess I may have to find and dust off the baby gate!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Favorite Photo Friday - Leopard Princess

Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Fall Y'all!

Friday, September 19, 2008
We Heart Disney!

A few months ago, a friend got the inside scoop on buying tickets to Disney on Ice early. I jumped on the chance and have been keeping the Disney on Ice performance as a special treat for Maddy. I normally would not go to something like this on a school night, but the tickets were an incredible bargain and it seemed that it was the only performance that would work for us.
So, we had a little road trip last evening with Jodee and the cute Carson and Shari and the adorable Kelsey. Shari's hub, Geoff, came along too and is also kind of cute. Jodee drove her "mom van" complete with DVD player. The kids watched a movie on the way and we did not hear any of them utter the famous words, "Are we there yet?"

Friday, September 12, 2008
Things to Remember and Fav Photo Friday

-During Rick’s recovery from the hip replacement, she has offered, almost every day, to stay home and take care of him – so sweet! Of course, that basically means that she will watch movies (her choice - Disney, of course) with him all day long and get him whatever he needs, especially snacks!
- This week at school, it was "C" week. She told me the other day that she wished her sister was here. Duh me – I said, "what sister is that?" She replied, "Catherine [oldest son’s wife], because if she lived here, I’d take her to school for C week!" So, instead of taking Catherine, she took her newest Webkinz, a Chipmunk.
- Last year, whenever she talked about her school principal, she called him "Mr. Ice-creamavera." His name is actually a word that sounds like that and is an Italian dish that comes after the word "Pasta" – so she was really close.
- One of the nuns at school is named Sister Theresa. Rick also has a sister named Theresa. Maddy came home one day and said that she talked to Dad’s sister. We were stymied and could not figure out what she was talking about because neither of his sisters live here. We finally figured out that she meant Sister Theresa. Whenever we talk about his sister, we would say something like, Dad’s sister, Theresa. So, she thought that meant Sister Theresa was his sister. Did you follow that??
- She thinks it is not very fair that my parents are retired and get to stay home every day! When does SHE get to retire?
- Nearly every night after she goes to bed, she sneaks into my room and puts a stuffed animal on my pillow for me! And she always leaves a stuffed animal in the car to keep me company on my drive to work after I drop her off at school.
And this is one of my favorite older photos of her -- she was about 3 1/2 years old then - what a little sweetie!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Happy B-Day Cboo!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
And Just Like That

So now that the summer of 08 has passed, it's time to look ahead to the new activities starting up this week. I don't want over-schedule her, so have only a couple things planned. I don't think two is too many, do you? On Thursday evenings, Maddy is taking a dance/cheer class. A friend will be in it with her. Maddy likes to dance or jump around I call it (and she makes fun of my car-dancing - what's with that anyway?), so I think she'll like it, especially with her friend there. My hope is that it is fun and helps give her confidence a little boost.