Happy Independence Day!!
What a special day to celebrate our freedoms!
Mr. Tennis and I lived in Philadelphia a few years and the celebrations
there were simply amazing!
I love Philadelphia!
I must admit when my sons were young and LOVED fireworks,
I kind of dreaded the 4th of July -- not the actual holiday, of course,
but the danger involved with boys and fireworks!
Mr. Tennis was like a kid himself and the three of them
together were constantly blowing things up (including toys,
stuffed animals, little cars)
and making more and more trips
to the fireworks stand for supplies! OY!
We had a few mishaps over the years . . .
probably the most memorable was when a spark somehow
ignited a bagful of fireworks on the patio table!
Ended up with a hole in the umbrella and a fried table!
But, at least no one was injured that time!
Looking patriotic in her Happy Hound bandana, but terrified of fireworks! |
Maddy and I like the pretty fireworks and sparklers,
the Roman Candles, buzzing bees, smoke bombs
and cracklin balls. Much tamer fireworks!
We're planning some pool time and hot dogs on the grill.
A little gin and tonic is on my list!
Maddy and I may make a quick trip to our local zoo.
Sounds like a perfect day to me!
Happy 4th Friends!!