The Kids - Connor, Philip holding Janie, Catherine and Maddy
Even though the temperature outside was about 12 degrees on Thanksgiving Day, we had a wonderful day full of warmth and love and food and chocolate! What more could a person want?
Everything was so yummy! Well, except for the awful, horribly dry and tasteless stuffing -- ugh! I thought cornbread stuffing sounded good, but no, it wasn't!
Note to self -- don't try something new at Thanksgiving!
Philip & Catherine came with darling baby Janie and brought a most delicious thunderbird salad. So tasty and I don't like salad, but I love that one! It has bacon and mayonnaise in it -- what's not to love, eh!
Cboo brought beer and wine -- yep, he's my favorite son! Just kidding!!! :) Since he is now in the bar business, he knows a few things about wine and we were the lucky recipients of that knowledge!
Of course, I made the turkey and Lisa's fabulous mashed potatoes. Thank God for those potatoes since that stuffing was so awful. Also on the menu -- delish green beans, cranberry jello, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie, fudge and marble cheesecake with homemade raspberry sauce! So, all those people who think I can't cook -- I just proved you wrong, didn't I! Just because I like fast or frozen food a lot of the time, I do know how to make a few things! :)

I had read about some handy little "dinner conversation starters" so printed those out, folded them up and put them in a bowl. Everyone had to take one, read it aloud and then we all took a turn answering the query. It was so fun! I know Mr. Tennis was rolling his eyes about it beforehand, but he loved it too!
The most special part of the day was watching Maddy love on little Janie. The highpoint was hearing Maddy excitedly say, "Mom, did you see that? Janie hugged me!!!" My heart melted and I know Philip and Catherine's did too. So much sweetness in one place!