Friday, November 22, 2019

Our Early Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Feast

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!

We had an early celebration last weekend since my son, 
Philip, and his family are busy on Thanksgiving.
We don't really care for turkey -- I know -- sacrilege on Thanksgiving, right?!
But . . . we love the sides like stuffing, mashed potatoes
 (thanks Lisa K for the recipe many years ago), 
fruit salad, jello, dinner rolls, pie and fudge.
Yes, fudge is Thanksgiving food!!!
So, I called it our Non-Traditional Thanksgiving feast!
We had chicken strips, mashed potatoes, salad (fruit and green)
strawberry jello, pie and a first for us on Thanksgiving --
chicken enchiladas!
Oh my word, those enchiladas were SOOOOO delish!
I patted myself on the back for days about how good they were!

The original Boucher clan
Since we also have Miss Frannie Doodle now, the kids
ate fast and ran outside to play with her!
Bingo -- kept the pup and the kids busy!
I also baked some carrot cake muffins (from scratch, no less)
and they were not good - awful -- blech!
 In fact, I tore the recipe up
and threw it away. 
Definitely should have stuck with brownies!

Pappa Rickster and the youngest -- Gloria
I'm not sure what the Rickster, Connor, Maddie and I
will have on the real Thanksgiving, but again,
it won't be turkey!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

More on Frannie!

Of course, we have more to say 
about Frannie and more photos
to post!

She's a bit of a clothes horse and with it getting cold 
out so so fast this year (2 degrees this morning) 
she's almost always in a sweater!

She wears her favorite llama sweater to puppy daycare almost every day.
Yes, she goes to daycare!
I go to work, Maddie goes to school, Frannie goes to daycare.

If she didn't, I'm sure the house would be an even larger
disaster than it already is!
I'm kind of one of those messy people and Frannie is contributing
a lot to the messiness!

My excuse lately is that Frannie is keeping me busy and
that is true!  Maddie and I take her on long weeks
when the temp is above 5 degrees.  Frannie refused to go on
a walk last night -- way too chilly even with her sweater!

Being a puppy and a model is tiring!
Asleep on her feet!

Last weekend, she made it her mission to devour
and try to carry home every large stick she could find.
When will those sharp puppy teeth fall out???

We're also doing puppy training classes! 
Oh my word, those are a hoot!
Frannie is very smart and a quick learner, but . . . 
she gets distracted by the other pups
and the rubber mats on the floor,
the door opening, the other 2 puppies, 
and everything else.
She's 14 weeks old now.
Final exam Thursday -- let's hope she passes!