Today is my oldest son, Philip's, 25th birthday!! He was born on a really warm February day that year. We had taken our little Westie in to be groomed that morning -- I guess so the dog would be clean for the new baby -- who knows what I was thinking!?? When I called Mr. Tennis to tell him it was time to go to the hospital, it took him 45 minutes to make the 10 minute drive home. Oh yeah, he had stopped to get gas on the way home! I was freaking out only slightly. On the way to the hospital, he hit every single pothole (chuckhole) in the road - OY!! Philip was born only about 6 hours later, weighing in at 9 pounds! Whoa -- what a nice big baby!!
And now he's married with a baby of his own! He is thoughtful, kind, sweet and one of the best sons ever! And what a great bonus for our family -- he has an incredible wife and now adorable baby!

Philip and Catherine (2008)
Happy birthday sweetie! (Moms can always call their sons sweetie -- no matter how old they get!) :) Have a fun day and we will celebrate with you soon!
This year, his birthday is even more special as he has his sweet baby girl here and now shares his birthday month with her!