[Are you getting tired of these family pictures yet?]
Over the past 25+ odd years (yes, I was a child bride! :)) I have received some, say we say interesting, gifts from Mr. Tennis. A couple that really stand out include a bed pillow for an anniversary gift (odd and not well-received by moi at all) and one year, a coupon stating he would pay for me to have the spider veins in my legs zapped! Obviously, he never heard the way to a girl's heart is jewelry. Although now, I would love a coupon for some Botox*. [He actually is a great gift-giver and has the biggest heart, but thought I'd have some fun with some of his ideas over the years. All gifts mentioned are true and not fictional!]
His gift giving expertise has improved a bit over the years. One of my all-time favorite Christmas gifts was seat heaters for my jeep! Oh my -- I love them and say thank you every single time I hop into that cold car. They heat up really fast -- way quicker than the car heater! Guess I do love practical gifts after all! This year, I received a wide stretchy belt and he thought it was just the thing fashionable (ha!) me would love! Picture a big corset-type belt --yeah, really! Well, truthfully, I hate tight things around my waist (waist, what waist??) and am afraid such a belt would accent my flab rather than hide it, but it was a sweet thought.
He did figure out one great item this year -- a six-pack of tonic water, some limes, beverage stirrers and a bottle of the finest gin around. Yep, guess he heard about how much I enjoyed that "Death by Gin" drink I had in Chicago last summer!
Anyone care to join me in a G&T??