Look carefully, you can see her eyes under the hat! Yes, she did dress up a Web*kinz chipmunk -- what -- nobody else does that???? And she insisted I take a photo of Princess Chipmunk by herself and be sure and post it!! Can you tell who is the boss at our house?

So, tonight she is trick or treating with her best friend, Mei. Will try to get some more photos, but no promises -- I'm supposed to be holding the flashlight and Princess Web*kinz. I'm sure there will be loads of giggles and lots of running from house to house. No doubt there will be some candy-eating going on! Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and get lots of yummy candy too!

Isn't she lovely? Sweet little Web*kinz!
Almost a little scary!!!
So, tonight she is trick or treating with her best friend, Mei. Will try to get some more photos, but no promises -- I'm supposed to be holding the flashlight and Princess Web*kinz. I'm sure there will be loads of giggles and lots of running from house to house. No doubt there will be some candy-eating going on! Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and get lots of yummy candy too!