[Look at that hair! She had just finished lunch and ran her fingers through her hair!]
Don't you love that hand-me-downs are now looked upon lovingly as having been recycled and reused!
Maddy just put some newly-learned skills in action!
Yes, 3rd grade and she is applying school lessons in our home -- how cool is that?
A gold card (well that looks black, doesn't it) well, mine is gold -- please don't be jealous.
After all, it's not an Am Ex gold card -- it's a Starbuck*s gold card, even better!! :) -- yum -- my fave drink is the Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte -- so delicious! I've had so many in the last few months, they sent me a coupon for a freebie. Think I will cheat on the skinny vanilla latte and try a skinny caramel macchiato.
This past weekend, Mr. Tennis and I went out! Shocker! Yes, indeed -- we went out by ourselves without our darling daughter. Her fave babysitter was with her and they had so much fun together. She is actually like a big sister to Maddy.
[Why yes, Maddy did carry her own snack on our walk -- Xtreme Goldfish -- she was very hungry! Muffy refuses to look at the camera, but doesn't she have such a cute Scottie profile!!]
And now back to Monday -- a snowy Monday at that! :(
We are so ready for spring!!!
[9 years old]
Eight years ago, Mr. Tennis and I stood with 10 other families in our travel group anxiously awaiting the arrival of our daughters. It was a warm and rather humid day in Guangzhou -- my hair was a big, curly mess, but not even I cared (except to worry that I might scare the baby!). We thought we would be meeting the girls the next day, but we were surprised with an early arrival from their orphanage -- a 4-hour bus drive away.[Photo we received prior to travel to China. ]
We were the second or third family to receive our daughter. She looked at us carefully with her beautiful dark eyes, stuck two fingers in her mouth and began to suck on those fingers in earnest. She was 14 months old. She didn't cry, but I knew that she was very upset and worried. As we slowly got to know her in China, we discovered she had developed her own way of coping with strange or hard situations. She put her hands up on either side of her face to block out whatever was upsetting her. Elevators and people getting too close meant those hands went right up. Breaks my heart a little that my adorable girl had figured out a way to cope all on her own at such a young age.
[This photo is from a day or two after we got home. She had double ear infections, tummy troubles and rash. She was getting a little more comfortable, so only put one hand up.]