Thursday, October 29, 2009
Guess Who Came to Visit?

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Climb Every Mountain (or Boulder)
Really now, you know there are no mountains in Nebraska, right?! Heck, truth be told, there are very few hills around here and even less as you go further west. Warning, do not attempt to drive I-80 across Nebraska without a big ole' pot of coffee. The flatness will make you very, very sleepy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Ta Da -- Dining Room Done!

My first project in this room was to repaint below the chair rail. I did that a couple months ago while Mr. Tennis was out of town! Shhh- don't tell, but I didn't move one large piece of furniture to paint behind it, I just painted a bit behind it, so you can't tell I cheated.

We have this great built-in corner cabinet that I've always loved. Lighter-colored paint below the chair rail and new curtains hung up higher than the old ones. Wow -- that makes a huge difference and the room seems so much larger!
Here you can see the new rug and recovered chairs a little better.
This is the honking heavy piece of furniture (can't really see it, but take my word for it - it's heavy) that I could not move to paint behind, but I got in close enough, so you can't tell. Even the Rickster hasn't realized (yet anyway), I haven't painted behind it.
Do I need more accessories on it? I'm terrible at accessories, so opted for less instead of more. Love those two buffet lamps and the reflection of the cool new chandelier in the mirror!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Who To Be?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Gotcha Covered!

Finished chairs!
Anyway, the first chair took days and days! And then I dawdled some just thinking about it all. Finally, last weekend I swore I would finish the rest of the chairs! And I did! Doing the corners was way harder than I thought it might be, but I persevered. And now look -- do you love them? The stripe fabric was a remnant and just happened to match my neutral fabric. My plan was to make two chairs striped -- you know, the Mom & Dad chairs. But somebody (Maddy) got a really sad face and also wanted a striped chair, so we have three striped chairs and three plain. Works for me! The dining room is really coming together. More photos when it is done -- which I hope is soon!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hats + Fall Weather = Cool!!
Last week for school pictures, Maddy said she wanted her hair curly. She announced this around 7:15 A.M. the morning of school pictures! Hot rollers to the rescue! She looked in the mirror after the magical hot rollers had done their work and believed her hair to be curly! To me, it looked like it had a bit more oomph to it and was not quite as straight as usual. She loved the "curly" look, but said no one at school noticed! Gosh -- same thing happens to me -- except no one notices when I get my hair straight!

This sweet knit beret is from last year. Don't you love a beret? Does it make you want to go to Paris? It does me!
Flashback from last fall! Looking for more hats soon -- a girl can't have too many hats, can she?

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Family News!
So, we have some family news and I made sure to ask permission before writing about it. This photo of my sweet daughter-in-law gives the news away, doesn't it! Yes, Philip and Catherine are expecting a baby! We are all so thrilled and excited for them. And happy to report that Catherine is feeling better after a pretty miserable first trimester. I believe the due date is around Feb.16 -- maybe it'll be a Valentine's Baby! Or maybe it'll wait a bit to be born on Philip's birthday - Feb. 28 --wouldn't that be sweet!
They're actively seeking name suggestions (not finding out the sex of the baby ahead of time) and so am I. I'm trying to figure out what the baby should call me -- any ideas? Granny sounds so very old-- ancient actually. My Dad used to call me Janny when I was little, so maybe Nanny or Nana?? Any cute Grandma-name suggestions??