Maddy finished first-grade the other day. Look at her there when she started last August -- so excited about being a first-grader! And wow -- kids learn a lot in first grade -- reading, writing little stories, prayers, lots of math, not to mention figuring out all the first grade rules and making new friends. It's been a great year for her! Here she is yesterday celebrating, in the immortal words of Alice Cooper (maybe?), that "school's out for summer!"

May, 2009
And a new adventure beginning for my sweet middle child!
Cboo left this morning for a new job in Peoria, Illinois. He and the Rickster took off with a uhaul trailer of stuff. Reminded me a little bit of when Rick and I moved to Philadelphia after we got married driving a uhaul -- hope he doesn't have a repeat of that moving adventure! They plan to look for an apartment and hope he finds one as he starts work at an insurance investment company on Monday. We do have family in Peoria. and he can bunk with them for a while if needed. So exciting for him and little sad for me as Connor was my baby for 15 years until Maddy arrived. We will miss his sweet smile and easygoing attitude, but are so excited for him to be starting this new chapter in his life.

Good Luck! We'll Miss You!