Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Black & White Wednesday

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fun at the Playground!

These two had so much fun together! Carson was driving the camper while Maddy was getting things ready for a tea party!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gray, Gray Go Away!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Black & White Wednesday

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Getting Closer or Ducks All in a Row!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Black and White Wednesday!

Love that sweet little face -- she's my star!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It's Me or the Dog!

Larry is not sure just what is coming up and may disrupt his world a little bit. Philip and Catherine's baby is due in only about six weeks! Look at their adorable nursery! They did a great job on getting the room ready -- all we need now is Baby Boo! And no, we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet -- that adds to the surprise, doesn't it! Did you know that Philip and Catherine's baby will be the very first grandchild for me and Mr. Tennis and the first great grandchild for my parents -- sweet!?!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Dear Mother Nature:

Okay, I'll admit that the newly fallen snow is pretty, but it's really not pretty for long. Please don't tell me these photos are blurry -- it's because your snow was coming down so fast and furious!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
WhaT to dO About the KitcheN?

The thought of renovating the whole kitchen crossed my mind . . . but only for a second. For one thing, I'm not a great cook. If I had a beautiful new kitchen, I'd think I needed to cook all the time and that is definitely not me. So, when faced with the prospect of an expensive, dusty, messy and lengthy kitchen renovation or a fairly quick re-painting job, we made the easy decision. Yes, we decided to go ahead and paint the cabinets. My Dad was shocked!! What!?!? You’re painting wood cabinets???? Oh my word – he was aghast!
{And look, there's Maddy's Christmas art project next to the microwave! }
But guess what -- it turned out beautiful! I absolutely love it. We also had some beadboard/wainscot paneling (whatever you call it) put up around the edge of the counter. I asked my painter about using beadboard wallpaper and painting it and he looked at me like I was possessed! He said - - never, repeat after me, never paint wallpaper! So, he had a carpenter friend put up the real thing. More fabulousness!! I sang, I danced, I baked!
I am so thrilled with my "new" kitchen! Hubs is also thrilled that his wallet didn't take such a big hit as it would have for a fancy-schmanzy remodeled kitchen!
{Loving the beadboard look!}
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year -- Make Believe Midnight!

Maddy visited the Vet's office to check out the xrays on her little froggie. Happy to report, he seems fine!

One of Maddy's best friends came along this year. The girls blew those horns nonstop! We found blog and "real life" friend Jodee and her family and counted down with them!

So long 2009 -- welcome 2010!