Maddy loves to draw! Of course, I think she is extremely talented! Lately, she has turned her drawing efforts from Simba (the Lion King) to dogs!
Do you wonder why? Although Mr. Tennis and I did not really agree to getting a puppy, he told her she could get one in the summer! Ever since, she has been obsessed with dogs. Drawing dogs, reading about dogs, watching dog shows . . . you get the idea.
She's looked at and studied various dogs to determine just what kind she wants. There were a few requirements: (1) Not too big (to be determined by moi); (2) Pointy stand-up ears (they listen better, you know!); (3) longish tail; (4) good-natured, sweet, etc. My parents have a Westie and although she loves him dearly, she did not want a Westie. She also adores, Larry, the bichon wonder dog, but alas -- no pointy ears - so bichons were out. She finally settled on a Scottish Terrier!
Then came the real issue -- what will she name her puppy?? She did not want to wait until the last minute, so has come up with the name already. She wants a girl dog and will call her Muffy. She especially likes that name since it starts with an "M" just like her name and Mom! And we just found a breeder who will have some puppies available in July!
Title Page -- Muffy!!

The other day, I noticed her drawing away and putting pages together for a book. She got a teensy little stapler for Christmas and loves making stapled books now. She drew these pictures all about Muffy! (I had to scan them, so they are not the best quality.)
Muffy and Maddy with Muffy's brothers & sisters

Look, Muffy likes to play frisbee!

Muffy finally goes to sleep with a smile on her little doggy face!

Of course, I love her little books. She drew all of these free-hand without even looking at any pictures -- tell me that's not raw talent (well, no actually, don't tell me). I just signed her up for a Drawing 101 class starting in June! I think she'll like that and it will pass the time until July when Muffy can come home!