One of Miss M's favorite gifts from Santa is a book about Junie B. Jones. Santa generally tries to bring one thing to play with, one thing to read and one thing to wear. This year, Santa brought Junie B., First Grader (at last!). In this book, Junie B. has just started first grade and has all kinds of things going on. Her bestest friend from kindergarten has a new best friend, her bus friend won't sit with her and Junie B. can't see the board and ends up with glasses. It's such a fun book and at just the right level for Maddy -- it keeps her interest and she can read most of it herself! Truth be told, Junie B. has a little bit of snark thrown in, but that's ok with me as Maddy is fairly quiet and maybe Junie B. will help her realize it's ok to speak up for yourself. Maddy and I took turns reading pages of the book and got through a couple chapters that way. Then we decided to read it a bit more at bedtime. At the end of each chapter, we both wanted to read one more and so we read the rest of the book and finished it one night.
Learning to read and having my kids enjoy reading is one of my absolute favorite parts of being a Mom. It's so sweet when the little light bulb goes off in their head and they figure out they can read all by themselves!!! I remember when I learned to read (about a million years ago actually), and I hope Maddy loves reading as much as I do.
Oh, and Maddy's middle initial is not really "G", but part of her Chinese name begins with G and Mr. Tennis usually calls her Maddy G! Of course, Maddy G. rhymes better with Junie B. than Maddy M. (her real middle initial and another part of her Chinese name), and I am all about rhyming blog titles! :)