While many of you are putting up your Christmas trees and holiday decorations, we are instead tearing our basement up! Remember last May when we had torrential downpours, tornadoes, simply terrible weather here in the Midwest and the resulting flood in our basement? Yes, it is a distant unhappy memory for me too. But finally, tomorrow we are having drain tile and a sump pump installed. So, we (and by we I mean Mr. Tennis, Connor and me) are cutting 2' feet of drywall, insulation and whatever else is there around the whole front and one side wall of the basement. It's a much larger job than imagined! I'm assisting by carting drywall pieces to the trash, sweeping the floor, pulling up carpet -- the easier jobs! Yes, there goes the rest of the carpet that had not been destroyed by the flooding. OY!! Cboo had no idea what he was getting himself into when he volunteered to assist. Maddy and I moved toys and other items to the dining room -- my neat, uncluttered dining room is no more. After the drain tile and sump pump are put in, we need to have someone come in and re-insulate and drywall. The project just gets bigger and bigger as we will also need to have tile installed on the floor -- no more carpet -- not gonna do that again! Fun times people, fun times indeed! :)