Hello Friends!
If you follow me on FB or IG, you already know the news, but I wanted
to recap the busy cheer week and tryouts so I don't forget
all the fun, practices and tryouts!
It was a crazy busy week!
[Photos from years of cheer follow]
Cheering 2008 |
It started out last Monday with a cheer meeting detailing the week of practices and tryouts.
Tuesday through Thursday were practice nights learning chants and
cheers and a dance routine
from the senior cheerleaders; and on Friday - the tryouts!
Sooooo, after Tuesday's 5:30 - 7:30 practice,
I attempted to video Maddy doing the chants, cheer and dance so that she
could remember and practice at home.
Videotaping is harder than it looks -- at least for me!
Cheering 2013 |
On Wednesday and Thursday nights after the practices, we raced over to the
place where she takes recreational cheer classes to practice with a few other
girls and her coach. That was the most helpful move ever!
The girls were able to help each other remember all the words and actions to the chants,
the cheer and the dance.
They also worked on their kicks and tumbling!
The dance was really cool - but incredibly fast!
Maddy practiced there until almost 10 PM on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
After we got home on Wednesday night, she had more homework to finish
(she had already done a boatload of homework immediately after school).
Plus, we had to make dipped pretzel sticks Wednesday night for
a school shark tank project !
Thursday night was a repeat of Wednesday.
She really worked hard on fine-tuning the cheer, chants
and dance. She thought the cheer was the hardest due to remembering
the words and the actions. That tricky dance was no prob for her!
Mad jumping skills from 2009! |
Friday night -- cheer tryouts!!
She and her partner (the girls tried out in pairs, but
were judged individually) had their tryouts at 6:55 PM.
No one was allowed to watch any of the practices or tryouts
the entire week.
At 7:02 PM, she came running out with a big happy smile on
her face - feeling confident and upbeat!
Then the waiting began!!!
Results were supposed to be posted on the school door and website
at 10 PM! How many times can you refresh a website??? Lots!
Results weren't actually posted on the website until 10:20 PM!
Maddy and I had already jumped in the car and were headed
to school to check results on the door when she saw the
results on my cellphone and Mr. Tennis called to say results were
She made it!
Doing the happy dance, but she also felt a bit sad and disappointed
that her partner and another friend didn't make it.
She has a really tender heart for the feelings of others.
What a week!
We spent the weekend resting a little and celebrating!
Congrats to Maddy Mei!