It's a May Basket! Well, not really a May Basket -- more like a May Day box! One of my friends at work is Super Mom -- yes, I really think of her that way and I mean it in the absolute nicest of ways! She gets ready for every holiday, birthday, work anniversary, etc. way ahead of time and always has a helpful suggestion or two! Me -- I'm more of a last-minute mama! Since I had boys before Maddy, we really didn't celebrate May Day in any type of organized fashion -- boys just didn't do that. I think Connor received a May Day basket from a neighborhood girl one year. As I recall, he was horrified and prayed that none of his friends would find out about it!
Last week I realized May Day is fast approaching. I needed help and Jodee basically let me copy her plan -- we don't live in the same neighborhood or anything, so it's not like anyone would know (shhhh- please keep it a secret that I'm a copycat)! Thanks Jodee!! Hey, feel free to copy if you haven't figured out what to do yet! I know that Maddy and I made some May baskets/bags or something last year, but I can't even remember what. Think I had "Mother of the Groom" brain last April and May -- that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, we have quite a few kids on our block now, so we decided to make little May Day boxes. Aren't they adorable!?! I know, I know, May Day is supposed to be about flowers, but really what kind of holiday is it if it doesn't include candy!?! I sent the Hub out for treats for the boxes. Guess what he brought back? Yep, we put 100-calorie snack packs in the boxes along with some tootsie rolls. That's right - we're putting all the neighbor kids on diets!! :) Next thing you know, I'll be passing out SlimFast for Halloween!! Hmmm - not a bad idea - then all the chocolate bars would be for me -- tee hee!! :) Happy May Day Y'all!!