Thursday, January 29, 2009

Missing --- Two Front Teeth!

Maddy lost her top front tooth on her birthday over a month ago. The other top tooth became progressively looser and looser. She didn't want me to give it a pull and twist (like I did with the other one), but that tooth was starting to drive me crazy. She wiggled it constantly -- sometimes with her fingers and often with her tongue. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. It looked all crooked and like it would fall out at any moment and yet, it hung in there until just last Thursday. Finally, it was so loose that she gave it a little pull herself and out it came. This time the tooth fairy did visit on the correct night and didn't use the excuse that it was too cold out for flying. Her smile looks so different without those teeth. I'm sure it will change again once her new permanent teeth come in. And I feel kind of bad . . . I don't remember the boys losing their front teeth at all. Good thing I have this blog, so I can remember these important milestones. Sorry boys -- I'm sure you were both quite adorable too when you lost your front teeth too! :)

Maddy's dentist also has said that it appears she is going to be missing some permanent teeth. I think there are at least two on the bottom that simply do not exist. Am hoping that her other permanent teeth are large enough to take up that space. Hmmm, I foresee a bit of dental work in our future. No matter, that smile is one in a million in my book!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I heart February!

UPDATE -- The winner of the Go Red for Women apron is [drumroll please]. . . Gail from Gail, please email me your address and I will put that lucky red apron in the mail to you post haste! Enjoy!!

FINALLY -- January is winding down- yay! I love February, don't you?! It is one of my most favorite winter months - it's such a nice, short month after cold January which seems to drag on forever! My oldest son's birthday is in February - just before the month moves on to March. I really wanted him to be born in February, and he was, Feb. 28! And he reads my blog -- Happy Birthday sweetie! (a little early)!

Red is always special in February -- like red hearts for Valentine's Day and if you live in Nebraska (I do) -- red is required on football weekends and for every other University sporting event! But, there's another reason to wear red -- it's the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women event in early February.

Some of you may know that The Hub had a heart attack over 10 years ago at a very young age. He recovered nicely --thank you very much. Well, I also had a heart-related health issue. About 2-1/2 years ago, my cardiologist told me it was time to repair my leaky mitral valve that had been leaking my whole life. Who knew that most people didn't have fluttery, flip-floppy weird heart beats -- I thought it was normal. It was normal for me, but really, not so good. So, I had open heart surgery in June, 2006. I had the most amazing surgeon with such an enthusiastic spirit that it made me feel better almost as soon as the 2nd day after surgery. In fact, I went home after only 4 days in the hospital. That summer is kind of a blur as I spent it recovering and regaining my strength. As you may have surmised, I am feeling great now and have regular checkups with my cardiologist, take a baby aspirin daily and try to live a joyful and thankful life every single day.

Anyway, since hearts are always special in February, and even more so when they've been mended, I am again this year taking part in the Wear Red for Women event in my city. The Wear Red day is February 6 this year. So, mark your calendar, read about heart disease, how to prevent it and wear red to promote heart-healthy practices! We need to take care of our hearts. In honor of my own healthy heart (and I hope yours too), I am having my very first give-away from the American Heart Association Go Red shop -- a lovely red apron!
Leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing -- only one per person please. The winner will be drawn on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009. And remember, as the apron advises, love your heart!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy CNY!

Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Flashback . . . an older photo of Miss M when she was 3 years old!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Progress . . . of Sorts

Do you remember last spring when we had torrential rains that flooded our basement? Yeah, it's a distant unpleasant memory for me too. Well, we finally had the drain tile and sump pump installed in December. Then we had to re-drywall, and do something about the floor which had been carpeted, but we weren't going to do that again. Anyway, this basement project is the main reason that the house has been so dusty for the last couple of months (that's my story anyway). Drywall dust just keeps floating around and reappearing just moments after having been wiped away!! Even covered with plastic, everything had layers and layers of dust -- ugh!

So, the last two weekends we had tile installed in the basement. It turned out great! And, the basement is so clutter-free -- the first time in years!! Of course, the laundry room and furnace room are both packed with stuff that we need to deal with (i.e., get rid of a lot of it)! Anyway, I finally feel like we are making a bit of progress.

The new tile floor -- so nice!!

Mr. Tennis liked the new tile so much that we are now having new tile installed in the foyer and that project is being worked on this weekend and next probably. I'm afraid that 2009 is also going to be known as the year of the home repairs!

The Rickster's exercise domain -- elliptical, back stretcher and some weird hang-upside down machine -- that is going to make it's way to the recycling center or Craig's list soon!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brought to you by the Letter "Q"

Like many schools, Maddy's class has a letter of the week. This week is brought to you by the letter "Q" as in queen, quiet, quilt, quack and so on. And, like many schools, ours depends on parents for snacks at times throughout the year. So, this week it's our turn to bring snacks. When I asked Mad what we should take, she responded, "anything as long as it starts with the letter Q"! Yikes -- I swear I was awake half the night trying to think of Q snacks and the only Q words I could even come up with are those listed above! Who can think of a snack beginning with the letter Q????

But, I finally figured something out -- we took "Quail Mix" -- a kind of derivative of trail mix! Whew -- what a relief! Bonus -- Maddy's teacher, Mrs. P, is giving me a star for coming up with a snack that begins with the letter Q!! Here's what you need to make your own Quail Mix: popcorn, sunflower seeds, raisins and M&*Ms -- everything quail (and first-graders) love to eat!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cheer Clinic!

On Saturday, Maddy and her friend, Kelsey, attended a cheer clinic put on by local high school cheerleaders. They practiced almost 3 hours on Saturday morning! No sleeping late and no donut for little Miss M that morning! Then Saturday night, they performed at half-time. What a great job they did! Kelsey is not even 4 yet, but she is really a natural! It was so much fun to see the girls and to watch the cheerleaders teach them the routine. They didn't all remember each step of the routine, but it very sweet nonetheless. And bonus -- they danced and cheered to "Under the Sea" and each received a great little Disney t-shirt!

Maddy and her favorite fan -- Dad (a/k/a Mr. Tennis)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No Booster Seat Needed!

In case you can't tell from the photos, Miss Maddy is a bit on the petite side. She really seems just the right size to me. Of course, I still think of her as my little snuggle-bunny! :) But, she's actually 7 years old now, around 45 inches tall and weighs about 39 pounds. In jeans, she wears a 5 slim with the adjustable buttons inside, and believe me, we have to adjust and tighten up those jeans. I don't think she's especially small, but it's when she's with her classmates that you might notice that she is quite a bit smaller than most her age. Some of her friends insist on picking her up and carrying her around. She does not really appreciate that at all, but she puts up with it, good-naturedly most of the time.

The other night we went out to eat at Red R*obin. The hostess showed us to our table and asked . . . of all things . . . "Does she need a booster seat?" OH. MY. GOSH!!! What a insult that was to Miss Maddy! The nerve of that lady -- asking if she needed a booster seat like a baby or something!! Maddy almost always has a smile on her face and a very sweet nature, but that made her a wee bit mad! Yikes! Happy to report that she did get over it. Ok, I admit it, I bribed her a little with a chocolate milkshake to get her smiling again, and we all enjoyed a nice meal. But, if you ever happen to meet Miss M, please, please, don't call her "little" or ask if she needs a booster seat! :)
She looks tall here, doesn't she! Ha - she's standing on a chair. More on our attempt at cooking together later!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Me and My Snowgirl!

For a school fundraiser, snowgirls (or snowboys) were offered for sale prior to Christmas. The woman making the snowgirl used parts of an old uniform for the scarf and the heart and stitched her name and the school name on it to personalize it. Unfortunately, the woman caught bronchitis and was unable to finish the snowgirl very quickly, so we received it only a day before Christmas. Even though it's about time already to put the little snowgirl away, isn't she so cute!

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Gift for Cinderella??

Mr. Tennis and Miss Maddy are planning a spring trip to DisneyWorl*d for us. Yes it's true, we were just there last year and it seems a bit soon to visit again, but can you ever visit the happiest place on earth too much?? Evidently not. They are both keen to go again especially because last year Mr. Tennis had his bad old hip and was not able to partake of all the parks have to offer. In fact, he only went to Epcot with us one day for a little while and he missed most of the rides, frivolity and fun that is Dis*ney!! He and Cboo both joined us on the "It's a Small World ride" and the song played in our heads for days after! This year, he plans to put the new hip to the test and do all the walking that is called for at Dis*ney.

Last night, when he went up to say goodnight to our very own little princess, she asked . . . "Should I take a gift to Cinderella or write her a letter so she knows that we will be visiting?" And, "I think I'd better send her a note and gift soon so she knows when to expect us!"

Even with paint on her fingers, I think she has the princess wave down. This is an older photo from Halloween 2006 -- but she still loves princesses and magic!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Resolutions And Such

Of course, I have some of the same resolutions Every. Single. Year! You know the drill . . . exercise more, eat less chocolate (what?? that is not right - I cannot give up chocolate!), declutter, eat less fast food, cook more, be a nicer, better person-wife-mother, employee, etc. Sound familiar?

Ok, this year, I'm adding a few more to the list. At the top of my list for now is to figure out Photoshop. I've tried on my own a bit, but have had no luck at all -- it is so confusing -at least to me, it is! So, I'm signing up for a Photoshop class at our local community college -- can't wait to figure it all out. And, I'm going to try and take more photos of objects or scenery or people besides Miss M. Of course, she is my favorite subject, but she does tire of me pulling out the camera and pointing it at her, so am going to try some other subjects. Am also thinking of signing up for an on-line course or two -- I did one a couple of years ago and enjoyed it, even though the teacher seemed to bow out entirely after 2 or 3 lessons. But, I need to stop using my point and shoot so much and go back and work with my DSLR more. It takes great photos -- just need to give myself a little primer on it and get back at it! Here's a photo I took on a cloudy day outside. I kind of like the reflections on the table.

So, 2009 -- it's gonna be a great year, I can tell!! And this sounds crazy I know, but don't you just love an odd-numbered year?? Especially one with a nine in it -- one of my favorite numbers, for some odd reason! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Dishes and It Feels Warmer Here!

[Photo courtesy of Macy's]

I never thought it would happen to me . . . I never thought I would be obsessed with and delighted by . . . of all things, dishes! But, Oh. My. Gosh. I love these dishes! I happened to find a couple of the plates on sale at a huge discount. I called other stores looking for more and found one more plate. Then I went back to the store and bought some of the soup bowls and footed bowls (also on sale at a big discount). Aren't they so cute!! While they are festive and kind of Christmasy, they don't have a tree or wreath on them, so I think I can use them at any time of the year. And my everyday dishes are white, so I can mix and match easily (at least I think I can)! I just love the red and white! Of course, everyone in Nebraska loves red -- you can't live in this state without loving red!! So, if you see any of these dishes in your area and especially if they are on sale, let me know, ok!?! In case you need to know the actual name, they are Fitz and Floyd, Town & Country pattern.

The only reason I can think of that I have become a bit crazy about dishes lately is that I recently used some of my Great Aunt's dishes. Using them brought back all kinds of memories about my Great-Aunt Carrie and what a character she was (i.e., she had her ears pierced when she was about 75 years old!) and I couldn't help but think and talk about her after I'd used her dishes. And, I hope someday that perhaps my dishes will cause someone to think and speak kindly of me too.

In other news, the Hub got me absolutely, the most perfect gift for Christmas this year! Can you guess what it is?? Yes, it has something to do with being "warmer." No, not a vacation to a warmer place (though that would be an awesome gift) or a fab new winter coat, he had seat warmers installed in my jeep!! I've always been a bit jealous that his vehicle had seat warmers. I think I commented just recently that my big red jeep would be perfect if only it had some too. And so, that's what I got! It's not so terrible to love something that keeps a girl's bootie warm, now is it?!?! ;)

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve Out on the Town!

This year I decided we should do something different for New Years Eve. Different than our usual stay home and watch the ball drop on TV at midnight Eastern time, that is! Yep, that's our usual MO for New Year's Eve -- nice, but kind of boring actually. I had heard of the celebration put on by our local Children's Museum in the past, so when the tickets became available, I snagged some for Mr. Tennis, Maddy and me. My coworker, Jodee, and her family also decided to attend. And it turned out to be a perfect way to celebrate the New Year along with about 700 of our closest friends and neighbors!

We met Jodee and her family at the Noodles restaurant next door for dinner first. I could tell it was going to be a fun evening when the kids and some adults (not saying who!!) started using their chopsticks to eat pieces of a Rice Krispie bar!

Mr. Tennis and Maddy sharing bites!

Carson and Maddy -- they were so sweet together!

Then the fun began with the festivities at the Museum starting around 6:15 PM. There were hats and noisemakers and glow-in-the dark necklaces along with various crafts for the kids. There was even a "stomp the bubble-wrap" event. It was really a lot of fun!

Carson and Maddy on the bridge at the start of the New Year's Eve Celebration!

Maddy, Kamree and Carson playing Firefighters!

Mr. Tennis (yes, he wears a sport coat everywhere!) and Maddy.

Near the end of the evening, Father Time visited along with a cute, chubby Baby of the New Year, the ball dropped, balloons descended from above and it was 2009!! Happy New Year!!