UPDATE -- The winner of the
Go Red for Women apron is [drumroll please]. . .
Gail from
http://agingwithgracetoo.blogspot.com/. Gail, please email me your address and I will put that lucky
red apron in the mail to you post haste! Enjoy!!
FINALLY -- January is winding down- yay! I love February, don't you?! It is one of my most favorite winter months - it's such a nice, short month after cold January which seems to drag on forever! My oldest son's birthday is in February - just before the month moves on to March. I really wanted him to be born in February, and he was, Feb. 28! And he reads my blog -- Happy Birthday sweetie! (a little early)!
Red is always special in February -- like
red hearts for Valentine's Day and if you live in Nebraska (I do) --
red is required on football weekends and for every other University sporting event! But, there's another reason to wear red -- it's the American Heart Association's
Go Red for Women event in early February.
Some of you may know that The Hub had a heart attack over 10 years ago at a very young age. He recovered nicely --thank you very much. Well, I also had a heart-related health issue. About 2-1/2 years ago, my cardiologist told me it was time to repair my leaky mitral valve that had been leaking my whole life. Who knew that most people didn't have fluttery, flip-floppy weird heart beats -- I thought it was normal. It was normal for me, but really, not so good. So, I had open heart surgery in June, 2006. I had the most amazing surgeon with such an enthusiastic spirit that it made me feel better almost as soon as the 2nd day after surgery. In fact, I went home after only 4 days in the hospital. That summer is kind of a blur as I spent it recovering and regaining my strength. As you may have surmised, I am feeling great now and have regular checkups with my cardiologist, take a baby aspirin daily and try to live a joyful and thankful life every single day.
Anyway, since hearts are always special in February, and even more so when they've been mended, I am again this year taking part in the Wear Red for Women event in my city. The Wear Red day is February 6 this year. So, mark your calendar, read about heart disease, how to prevent it and wear red to promote heart-healthy practices! We need to take care of our hearts. In honor of my own healthy heart (and I hope yours too), I am having my very first give-away from the American Heart Association Go Red shop -- a lovely red apron!
Leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing -- only one per person please. The winner will be drawn on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009. And remember, as the apron advises, love your heart!