Maddy and Grace - Ready to see some dolphins!
Seeing that we are generally landlocked here in Nebraska, one day in Hilton Head we decided to spend a few hours going on a dolphin-watching cruise! Doesn't that sound like fun!! It was a beautiful day on HHI and off we went to the Oyster Factory to meet up with one of Capt Jim's workers, Capt Clint. We got in a cool little speedboat. Just before I was about to ask for a life jacket, Capt Clint snickered that only one time had an adult asked for a life jacket! Kids had to wear them, of course. Almost right away, we saw dolphins -- a mother and her calf! So cute and it seemed like they were tagging along right with us. Of course, it was difficult to get a photo, but see if you can find the little dolphin fin. Before we got on the boat, the kids thought it was a shark fin -- ha ha -- no sharks there! At least I don't think there were any sharks around!

Anyway, as we boated along with Capt Clint giving us the history of the area, we saw a buoy-thingy and oops -- we ran it over!! Not good!!! It was a crab-catching pot and guess what happened?? The crab net with real live crabs in it got tangled up in the boat's propeller! Oh my -- what a disaster! We were only about 30 minutes into our 2 hour cruise at the time. In an effort to get the net off the propeller, Capt Clint cut his hand in a couple places and was bleeding all over. Then, our boat started drifting toward a huge barge where they do fireworks at night. Somehow, with the tide and all, we ran into the barge and some rope holding down the barge came barreling across the front of the boat where Grace (my niece) and I were sitting. We ducked out of the way but both got pelted with nasty river gunk from the rope, ruining our shirts. Surprise surprise, the boat was a mess too. Finally, he got the boat propeller untangled and headed back to dock. Capt Clint graciously offered to reschedule our cruise, but after that little adventure, we decided that we'd probably seen enough dolphins! Now, do you understand why I don't like boats! :) We couldn't be mad though -- especially since Capt Clint was SO embarrassed by the whole episode and, after all, we did see some dolphins!
Jan -- I completely forgot to ask you about this little adventure! It sounds like you had a great time despite all of the obstacles along the way! Cute picture of the girls!
I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. I know it shouldn't be...but it's like something out of a movie! So glad you weren't hurt and so sorry your cappy was. How sad. But hey, you saw what you went to see and what a cute picture you snagged to remember the day by!
Oh my - what an adventure! Maddy looks so grown in this photo - I had to do a double take Janet! I don't think I'd gone out with the captin again either - sounds like he was having a bad day!
Oh myQ! It sounds like something out of a movie, I kept picture Captain Ron! I am glad you got to see some dolphins too bad the trip didn't work out better though.
oh my! The kids will probably always remember this little adventure:)
Oh my golly, an adventure indeed. It was very sweet of those dolphins to make an immediate showing so you could gently decline the captains generous offer ;)
Hope the captain healed nicely!
How is your mom, friend?
What a cute little story. Sounds like you still had a great time making great memories.
Oh Jan! I so enjoyed catching up with your vacation. Beautiful pictures. We just love Hilton Head and your pictures bring back lovely memories.
Sounds like you had a very memorable vacation! Spending time with all the darlings in your sis's travel group and then adventure galore too!
So happy that you had a wonderful vacation.
That was toooooo funny! Sorry about capt. Clint's hand. at least you got to see dolphins!
If the Captain had a sinister look or laugh about him, then that could have been a scene in a movie. Snort.
Oh my! So glad you were alright! Wow, the things we go through for fun, huh? :) Great pics! I love HHI!
Sounds like something that would happen to us! You did great!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Ten Months!
oh my goodness, poor guy, i'm sure he was so imbarassed. the girls sound like they were good sports, especially since ya'll were safe from the sharks, right! :)
i love dolphins...such amazing animals
LOL - you are such a good story teller- made me laugh and I needed that today. Sounds like a great trip! besides the boat misadventure!
Oh my goodness....what mess! I spotted the fin though;)
Oh the memories...we always go to HH and the Old oyster factory and the dolphin rides.....sniff sniff...this year, we opted for a closer beach ad your post makes me very nostalgic:) Looks like y'all ahd a GREAT time though!!!
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