Yes, I am one of those people who is just now putting
together a blog post about Christmas!
Let's blame it on the fact that December was a crazy, busy month and
at the beginning of January, I got hit with a tummy bug followed by a sore throat, cough and head cold
delaying my blogging, organizing, cleaning, etc.
On to some snippets from Christmas
We actually had a picture perfect Christmas as we woke up to
4 inches of snow on Christmas Eve!
Miss M was in heaven. Every year, the main thing on her list is . . .
a white Christmas! She got it this year! :)
We went to Christmas mass as usual on Christmas Eve and
came home to our entire neighborhood lit up with the
lovely soft glow of luminaries.
It's so pretty and kind of magical, especially with the fresh snow!
I made a feast of our favorite Mexican Dip and ----- well, that's
all -- Mexican Dip is a meal in itself!
We put some cookies and milk out for Santa and
hit the sack.
Harry loved his Minion pjs!
On Christmas Day, we ventured over to my
son and his wife's home for a really yummy breakfast meal
at dinner time and fun with the littles!
There is something special about having
little kids around at Christmas!
Harry also loved his own karaoke machine! |
Miss M had a great Christmas and received some items from her
list including gift cards, Uggs, Bath and Body Works lotions and
a surprise gift - a pineapple shaped ukulele!
She loved it all!
She did a fabulous job of stuffing all the stockings at our house
except for her own - I did that one, of course!
It was really a wonderful Christmas and made even better by the fact that
Mr. Tennis has been recovering nicely from his Crohn's-related surgery -
at least partially mainly due to my excellent care!
We are hopeful for a healthy 2016!