Thursday, April 28, 2016

21-Day Positivity Challenge

I know it may be hard to believe,
but sometimes
I feel more like Eeyore
than Tigger!
Woe is me!!

Eeyore - Disney - 2011
So, for the last few weeks and through the end of
April (and beyond)
 Maddy and I have taken on a
positivity challenge.
We will attempt to be less cranky, less demanding,
less bossy - truth be told, that's a tough one for me!

Eeyore - 2015
Of course, we haven't been 100% successful.
You know work, school, life gets in the way
sometimes and bogs a person down.
But . . .
we've both been making real
efforts to be more patient, positive and enthusiastic!
And I think that deserves some
Scotcheroos, don't you! :)

Tigger - 2011

Monday, April 25, 2016

Weekend Update!

Weekend Update --
Did you know that Prince wrote "Manic Monday"
for the Bangles?
Me neither!
It's one of my favorite songs -- Maddy thought I made it up!
But no, that was Prince, not Jboo!
His sudden death was such a shock. 
I had no idea he had such a huge fanbase.  
Now, I will think of him every Monday when Maddy and I 
sing  "Just another Manic Monday, wish it was Sunday . . . "
on our way to school and work!

Miss M was not feeling well at the end of last week
 necessitating a doctor's visit!
She's generally very healthy, but we thought it might be strep as her throat
was very sore and she was exhausted.
Not strep - but a respiratory flu-like virus that wore her
out and has now moved into a croupy cough.
Poor girl -- I've been distributing Tylenol* daily.

She's doing better today but when she coughs -- watch out --
thankfully, it sounds worse than it feels!

In other happier news, look at the door poster that the senior
cheerleaders made for each of the freshman girls!

Cheer uniform ordering happened a week ago.
That's an experience!  I have no idea when they wear some of the
stuff that was required, but I'm sure we'll find out! 
Parents were instructed to 
"Bring Your Checkbook!!"

Cheer practices start in May; cheer camp in July
and fundraising has already started!
Meanwhile, Maddy continues her efforts to teach me how to do a 
Will keep you posted! :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

We're Cooking in the Kitchen!

How was your weekend?
This past weekend we were cooking in the kitchen!

Mads and I are attempting to do more cooking
and baking -- we do love cookies, brownies, fudge, muffins, and  we've already
professed our love for Scotcheroos!

Although we didn't make these pancakes at home,
they are definitely on our list!
Can we make ours as cute as Village Inn?
I'm not so sure!

Who do those scrambled eggs remind you of???
Do you see it too?
I believe they were going for the
Trump comb-over look!
How scary is that!!

Maddy's all-time favorite lunch or dinner item --
Taco Crunch or Walking Tacos!
She likes hers with Doritos, but Fritos
are my chip of choice!

Taco Crunch --
it's what we make for dinner!
Every Taco Tuesday!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Did You say Scotcheroo?

Have you ever made Scotcheroos??
I'm calling them Yumaroos!

I hope that whoever thought up the recipe for these little
bars of incredible chocolate yumminess won a great prize!

Oh my word!  Delicious doesn't even begin to
describe Scotcheroos!
Peanut butter + chocolate + butterscotch + Rice Krispies = Heaven!

We've only just been introduced to the tasty delights
when a Shark Tank group at Maddy's school
started to sell them!  
They sold on Fridays after school and sold out every week . . . 
even during Lent!
And even after they raised the price!
Evidently, no one could give up Scotcheroos!

Maddy and I made a batch last Sunday to 
take to the cheerleader potluck dinner.
The new freshman cheerleaders were assigned
dessert and we thought they might be perfect!
Yummy plus easy to transport!
We made a large 9 x 13 pan . . . 
empty within minutes!
Varsity cheer and parents went thru the
food line first -- all the Scotcheroos
We know what we're taking next time -- 
2 pans of Scotcheroos!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tryouts and Cheer News!!

Hello Friends!
If you follow me on FB or IG, you already know the news, but I wanted
to recap the busy cheer week and tryouts so I don't forget
all the fun, practices and tryouts!
It was a crazy busy week!
[Photos from years of cheer follow]

Cheering 2008
It started out last Monday with a cheer meeting detailing the week of practices and tryouts.
Tuesday through Thursday were practice nights learning chants and
cheers and a dance routine
from the senior cheerleaders; and on  Friday  - the tryouts!

Sooooo, after Tuesday's 5:30 - 7:30 practice,
I attempted to video Maddy doing the chants, cheer and dance so that she 
could remember and practice at home. 
Videotaping is harder than it looks -- at least for me!

Cheering 2013

On Wednesday and Thursday nights after the practices, we raced over to the
 place where she takes recreational cheer classes to practice with a few other
girls and her coach.  That was the most helpful move ever!
The girls were able to help each other remember all the words and actions to the chants,
the cheer and the dance.
They also worked on their kicks and tumbling!
The dance was really cool - but incredibly fast!  
Maddy practiced there until almost 10 PM on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
After we got home on Wednesday night, she had more homework to finish 
(she had already done a boatload of homework immediately after school).
Plus, we had to make dipped pretzel sticks Wednesday night for
a school shark tank project !
Thursday night was a repeat of Wednesday.
 She really worked hard on fine-tuning the cheer, chants
and dance.  She thought the cheer was the hardest due to remembering
the words and the actions.  That tricky dance was no prob for her!
Mad jumping skills from 2009!

Friday night -- cheer tryouts!! 
 She and her partner (the girls tried out in pairs, but 
were judged individually) had their tryouts at 6:55 PM.
No one was allowed to watch any of the practices or tryouts 
the entire week.
At 7:02 PM, she came running out with a big happy smile on
her face - feeling confident and upbeat!
Then the waiting began!!!

Results were supposed to be posted on the school door and website
at 10 PM!  How many times can you refresh a website???  Lots!
Results weren't actually posted on the website until 10:20 PM!
Maddy and I had already jumped in the car and were headed
to school to check results on the door when she saw the
results on my cellphone and Mr. Tennis called to say results were
She made it!

Doing the happy dance, but she also felt a bit sad and disappointed
that her partner and another friend didn't make it.
She has a really tender heart for the feelings of others.
What a week!
We spent the weekend resting a little and celebrating!
Congrats to Maddy Mei!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Flippin and Jumping Week

This week is a big one in Miss M's schedule!
Cheerleading practice and tryouts for high school take place every night this week.
She does cartwheels all over the place!

She has the smile and spirit of a cheerleader!
Of course, I'm her biggest cheerleader . . .
even though a somersault is beyond my skill level!
Never could do a cartwheel though my twin sister cartwheeled
all over the house.
What I can say??
She was born first, 
so she got the cartwheel gene! :)

Tryouts are Friday evening and
results are posted at 10 PM!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Hello April, Easter Report and Hello Dorothy!

We have had a couple of busy weeks so I haven't had a chance
to update the good old blog lately!

Last Friday morning, Maddy and I took the little kids 
(Janie, Walt and Harry) to breakfast with the
Easter Bunny at our local children's zoo!
Janie and Walt asked the Easter Bunny if he was a boy or girl???  Harry tried to feed it plastic eggs!

They had a great time.  If only the weather had been warmer,
it would have been perfect, but little kids don't care.
I, however, was shivering!
There was an Easter egg hunt and pancakes, sausage and
eggs for breakfast!  
And we got to ride the train too 
(more shivering)!

I actually cooked Easter dinner!  Yes, moi - don't fall off your chair! :)
It turned out rather good.  We had the usual fare - ham,
cheese potatoes, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, salad
and angel food cake with smashed strawberries!
While I was slaving away over a hot stove, Maddy put together an 
Easter egg hunt for the
little kids - so fun!

The big event happened on Easter Monday!
Little Miss Dorothy Jo joined the extended family.
I just love her name, don't you!
Philip and Catherine added a little sister for Janie and the 2 boys, 
so now they have 2 and 2!
She is the most beautiful baby!
She weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz!  Nice size and so pretty!

Auntie Maddy and Dorothy

I stayed with the littles while they were in the hospital!  
That was fun
and they kept me hopping!

Can't wait to snuggle that little bundle soon,
but I seem to have a cold again, so will
have to wait and get over that first.
Meanwhile, I will have to make do with reports and photos!
She is a bundle of joy and her sister and brothers (along with her
parents, of course) are over the moon happy!