The calendar slipped quietly into September and just like that, it seems that summer is over. How can that be?? Miss M and I did sneak off to the pool and left our patient [Rick] at home napping on Sunday. As you can see, I had to get a couple of pics of the last outdoor swimming event of the year! It was a fairly warm day, but it seems the heaters had been turned off the week before. The water in the pool was SO COLD!! Of course, it didn't bother Maddy much, but I was freezing!!

So now that the summer of 08 has passed, it's time to look ahead to the new activities starting up this week. I don't want over-schedule her, so have only a couple things planned. I don't think two is too many, do you? On Thursday evenings, Maddy is taking a dance/cheer class. A friend will be in it with her. Maddy likes to dance or jump around I call it (and she makes fun of my car-dancing - what's with that anyway?), so I think she'll like it, especially with her friend there. My hope is that it is fun and helps give her confidence a little boost.

So now that the summer of 08 has passed, it's time to look ahead to the new activities starting up this week. I don't want over-schedule her, so have only a couple things planned. I don't think two is too many, do you? On Thursday evenings, Maddy is taking a dance/cheer class. A friend will be in it with her. Maddy likes to dance or jump around I call it (and she makes fun of my car-dancing - what's with that anyway?), so I think she'll like it, especially with her friend there. My hope is that it is fun and helps give her confidence a little boost.
And on Saturdays, she starts a little theatre class called "The Teddy Bear Theatre." I'm sure the BIG question will be -- which Teddy Bear or other stuffed animal gets to attend class with her? I'm hoping this will also boost her confidence and perhaps help her to learn to speak louder. She is the opposite of those kids that need to be reminded to use an indoor voice!
Last December, we saw Madeline's Christmas at the playhouse and she immediately wanted to be up on stage too -- which was pretty shocking considering that she's a bit quiet and shy. Otherwise, I would have never thought of signing her up for a theatre class. We've gone to some other kids performances and they are so much fun! Yikes -- bad me -- I don't think I ever took the boys to any events at the playhouse when they were young. Oh well, it doesn't seem to have scarred them too terribly. We Moms just do the best we can, don't we!
at class sounds great, i wish we had it. I love her bathing suit!!! and you are right, it did exactly that,,,'slipped' into sept! look out fall!
Yeah....we do just do the best we can!! I would say you must do a pretty good job....you have raised two fine boys...it seems missing Madeline at the theater didn't take them off the path to success!! Maddy's suit is tres chic!! Cuteness all around!!
PS....I think you get mom brownie points for taking a dip in the cold pool...that is the worst!!!
September did sneak up, didn't it? The classes sound like fun, especially the theater class. So cute.
I think they both sound great!!
I am cracking up at your car dancing.....Nick hates it when I do that or if I sing a long with the Radio....when he has friends in the car....I freak him out and pretend that I am going to do it....the look I get is priceless!!
Can't wait to hear all about Maddy's first classes....and of course which bear gets to go along!!
Have a great week!
We signed up Leila for a few theatre classes when she was younger to help build her self-confidence, too. We were very fortunate that her teacher was from Russia, which only added to the confidence booster. They were great classes for her. I hope Maddy enjoys her class!
Can't wait to hear all about Maddy's upcoming classes. I know she will have a blast!
Cute swimming pictures too!
By the way, the offer was made, but sadly no kittens came home with us. The kids might have loved them, but my husband and I would have been sneezing and wheezing all over the house. It would have made for fun blogging, I'm sure. :-)
How fun! Both activities sound like a great time! I'm so ready for for the fall!!! Good bye summer 08!!
I love Maddy's bathing suit! Too cute!!
We hit the pool one last time on Labor Day weekend and froze our bums off too!
Love Maddie's suit!
I bet Maddy will love both of her classes!!! Of course you know I don't think that is too much for her!! :) Cute pool pictures! I can't believe the pools are closed now and temps are only in the 70s this week! BRRRRR! I am not a fan of the "cold" weather!
Yes! We Moms just do the very best that we can. And that is good enough. It has to be- right???
Sounds like you pin pointed two great classes that Maddy will love and that will help her shine. You are doing great there Mom!
Hugs. It is so hard not to overschedule. Between the things they want to do and all of the things we think they would like. Too many choices.
I love your choice in classes! I think 2 is perfect. :) Not too much, where you're constantly running around, but enough to keep her busy learning & enjoying herself. Theatre is great for developing confidance. I like that the bears get to come along for moral support. :)
Sounds like wonderful classes. Before you know it her name will be up in lights on Broadway :-)
Love the little suit too!
I am bummed that summer is over but I just LOVE fall so I guess I will get over it! Maddy's swimsuit is SO cute in those photos...do they make them in adult sizes? :)
Maddy is just adorbale in her cute bathing suit! Glad you got to enjoy a little more Summer before it ended. Her classes sound quite fun and by no means over scheduled. Hope you guys are enjoying the first few days of September!
Popped over from The Long Road to China. Great pictures! Your daughter is beautiful! Great Blog!
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