What shall I be when I grow up?? This is the big question lately from my little first-grader. Indeed, what shall she be when she grows up? A Rockstar?(watching too much Hannah Mon*tana perhaps); a Doctor?? A Teacher?? A Mother?? She seriously contemplates each career path, discussing the pluses and minuses of each. Hmmm -- a Rockstar would be a really busy life -- so she thinks that maybe she'll need to do that first while she's young. Then maybe become a Doctor-- because that takes a lot of school, so she doesn't want to wait too long to start. A Mommy - she definitely wants to be a Mom, so that makes her think maybe her career should be as a Teacher -- since teachers get the summers and holidays off. So, it seems she has decided that she will be a Rockstar first, then a Doctor, then a Teacher and a Mother! Who said you can't do it all, eh!! :) While the decision is a long ways off for her, as a Mother, I've tried to encourage all my kids to follow their dreams, find something they love and do their very best. That's all we Mothers really want, isn't it!
Too cute!!! I use to want to be a gogo dancing missionary doctor-- not quite-- ended up being a psycholgist-- kind of close maybe??? My boys are so funny becuase they are the same way. They want to be a police swat guy and a fireman and a doctor and a motorcross rider== all at once. It is too funny. I too say aim high and go for your dreams-- rock star-- then be a rock star!!!!
Christy :)
I love when they tell you what they want to be when they grow up!!
She has some good choices already in the running....
Dream Big Maddy...you can be whatever you want to!!
Amen! That is too cute! Rockstar first, that is good. Get that out of the way and then do all the other stuff. Good to have priorities! :)
Go Miss Maddy!!! Sweet girl, you can be whatever you want to be and as a teacher, I can say that having the summers off ROCKS : )
PS-My sister, Paige, wants to be a tap dancing Veterinarian!
That is sooo funny! I know how much she wants to be a mommy some day and she will be such a great one too! So far, Carson wants to be a policeman!
How cute!!!
So very true, Jan. As moms we want our kids to be happy in what they choose to do. Hoping secretly for safety and success within their choice.
Maddy will find her happiness- she has her Mom guiding her way.
I should have been a rockstar!
Very cute! Maddy sounds like she has it all figured out.
You know Maddy could be a doctor that also teaches interns at the same time and be a mom! However I agree she should be a rockstar first.
Shoot for the stars Maddy! You can do anything you set your mind to!
Love it!!!!
What a cute little rockstar you have on your hands!!!!
That little beauty can be anything she wants to be!! The world is yours Maddy.
Our Emmy wants to be a veterinarian and Hannah wants to be a doctor...I am thrilled...my bank account is scared;)
Part of the joy of being a child is having those dreams and joys to fulfill. I will stay tuned...
You go for it, Maddy!! Dream big because you can be anything you want to be, and your Mom will be your biggest cheerleader!
Oh how great that Maddy has such aspirations - they all sound great! I'm sure she will be good at whatever she does! I love the picture with Hannah Montana - I guess she can be a rock star!
Fortunately, she has plenty of time to make up her mind...but I'm sure she'll be great at whatever she chooses!
How precious! I just love it when they think about what they want to be when they grow up.
Rudy said just the other day that he either wants to be an astronaut or a stay at home dad...ha!!!
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