Last spring/summer it seemed that everywhere I looked, I saw the most beautiful hydrangeas. They were on magazine covers, in neighbors' yards and just about everywhere. They were all so so beautiful. Being the copycat that I am, I really wanted one in our yard! So I bought one, planted it and took great care of it. Generally, Rickster is the gardener and I am the mower. But, I gave that hydrangea special attention and mixed some stuff in water every month to give it so that it would have the beautiful purple/blue flowers instead of white ones. Since last year was its first year, it didn't really bloom, but I had great hopes for this year.
Had is the operative word. Rick arranged to have someone trim the rose bushes, boxwood bushes, etc. while we were at DisneyWorld. When we first got home, I thought -- hmmm - the front yard looks really bare and empty. I then realized that some serious trimming had occurred. The climbing roses (which admittedly were pretty old) were gone entirely and other bushes and shrubs had been cut way way back! But, imagine my horror when I discovered my beautiful hydrangea had been cut down to a 1-2 inch stub!! I had a smidgen of hope that maybe it would grow really really fast this spring, but that is pretty doubtful. When I googled pruning hydrangeas, one site said that hydrangeas should never be pruned!!! I know it sounds silly, but I am little heartbroken about the loss of that plant. I would put a photo of the current status of the hydrangea, but it is just too sad to look at. Take my word for it -- it consists of about a couple little bitty sticks and that's about it.
Somehow I don't think the nursery is going to honor their one year life guarantee on the plant! Kind of doubtful that the guarantee works when you (or some else) hacks it to death. But, I will not be deterred! I will go out and buy myself a new one and this time I think I will put a little fence around it and guard it religiously from anyone holding a pruning shears!
Oh, no! I would be so sad if my hydrangea was massacred. I'm sorry. :(
oh dear. I do feel your pain. I love hydrangea too. And, I am some what of a copy cat also. No, I am a REALLY BIG copy cat!
I was looking at the picture of your daughter in your last post. She is really very beautiful.
I am so sorry to hear about your plant :(. I am just beginning to get into a gardening too and it is heartbreaking when you lose something. I have 3 bushes I procected for 3 years from the rabbits but it seems the rabbits have won that battle.
Happy planting with your new Hydrangea!
Uh ohhhh....I'd be sad but you know what? Plant that new one and try again. I love gardening and that's my motto. ;)
I'm so sorry!!!!!! What a HUGE bummer!!!!! I would be so sad too!
Oh how horrible! Never, never let that person come near your home again.
I have been wanting 1 or 2 hydrangea plants myself. I'm glad you mentioned that they should never be pruned. That's helpful to know.
I am so sorry yours was pruned to death. :(
I secretly wished that my daughters would use hydrangeas for their weddings. Alas, it is not to be.
awww sorry... I have 3 and they are pretty hardy plants in our area. THey don't bloom until around June here. Maybe there is hope?
Try again, its worth it.
How sad! I'm thinking the guy who butchered it didnt know what he was doing. I think you should get another one too, be determined! :o)
HORRORS!!!! Someone cut it down to a 2 inch STUB? What were they thinking???
Guard that new one religiously!! :)
OH, what a bummer! I would be sad too. It's so hard to get plants to do what you want, you (at least I) need all the help you can get! Not more pruning! I'm sorry!
Oh - I am so sorry about your hydrangeas. What a bummer especially b/c you waited that year for the better blooms.
If I were you I'd call the person who did the work and have them replace the plants! If they're doing the work, they should know what to cut!
I used to have a wall of hydrangeas at our home in Charlotte. I miss them. Maybe you have inspired me to start working on this yard! Maybe it will recover!
OH NO!!! I love Hydrangea's....everywher you go on Cape Cod, you see the blue ones....they are my favorite!! Sorry they got pruned:(
That really sucks! I hope Mr. Tennis fires that lawn loser! You better make a quick trip to Earl May this weekend!
P.S. Chef Daddy thinks they will come back. He did landscaping while in college so he thinks he is a professional. HA HA!
O.M.Gosh! What a sad, sad story. Sounds like something that would totally happen to me! So sorry! Try, try again!
Aww, so sorry - the picture looks beautiful though. Are you going to replace it?
oh no! I'm impressed with all your care though. I can barely keep my house plants alive.
I love my hydrangeas too so I can feel your pain BUT the only way for mine to come back is when I DO prune them. Maybe it's the short WI summers, I don't know but I prune mine all the time and I get blooms every year. Hang in there and see what it does, they aren't quick to bloom so you'll have to be very very patient. :) Keep us posted how it does!
Oh, I love hydrangeas and NEVER see them here in AZ. One time I bought some ( paid a fortune) took them home, put them in some water and they were dead the next day. I couldn't beleive it! I feel your pain ; )
Oh no! So sorry too! Any hope of buying another plant? I hope you have a better Easter Season than that!
Kudos though, for having someone do all the major yard trimming!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Oh No! I love my Hydrangeas. They are my favorite.
Good Luck with your new one!
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