First - Cboo's birthday. Yesterday was my #2 son's (Connor) 22nd birthday!! Holy moly -- how did he get to be so old?
Bonus, he came home for the Labor Day weekend reportedly to celebrate his b-day with family, but he did spend some time with friends and there may have been some partying going on. I'm just saying -- he arrived on Friday evening and we didn't actually see him until Sunday around noon! :) We had a fun time catching up, going out to eat with him and Philip and Catherine for dinner (no, I did not want to cook) and giving him his b-day gifts. He left already on Monday to return to Illinois -- miss him already!
Maddy bought no less than 3 birthday cards for him and
a Webkinz that he had been eyeing (yeah, right).

Bad Mom -- I didn't even make him a cake, but he specifically requested a cookie cake with lots of frosting. Doesn't it look delish -- it was so yummy!
Second - white pants. Do you wear them after Labor Day or do you ever wear them? Ok, I admit I committed a bit of a fashion faux pas last night (only1 day after Labor Day) when I wore white capri pants to the school open house. But, it was pretty warm out and jeans would have been way too hot! My sister from Florida was actually surprised at the number of Nebraskans wearing white shorts/capris when she visited in the summer. I think her comment was something like -- "wow, don't they care how big their butts look in white?"
I posted today at 9:09 - gotta keep the 090909 thing going ya know ;0)
Noooo to white pants/shoes after Labor Day ... I never wear white bottoms anyway - they do make my butt look big!!
CBoo sounds like a typical young man .... at least you did get some time with him ;0) and YES the giant cookie looks yummy!!
Wait... my butt looks big when I wear my white capri pants?!??? Shocking!
And happy birthday to CBoo. Hope he slowed down long enough to eat the cookie and kiss his sister and mum.
Sounds like a great visit from Conner! The cookie does look yummy.
I do wear white pants and white sandals but not after Labor Day. I think the fashion police will for give you for wearing them on Tuesday ;).
LOL....cute post! hummm...white pants,after Labor day... probably not. White shoes, after Labor Day...NO WAY, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT....hehehe....but really doesn't any thing go any time these days.
Cute picture of Maddy Boo!
Happy Birthday to CBOO!
oooooooh i am DYING for cake right now. you're killing my diet JBOO, killing it!
Cake looks great. I don't really follow fashion rules. I do what I want. But would probably steer clear of them just because I'm not in the mood for white then anyways:)
Well, Happy bday to CBoo!! Cookie looks great. :)
I've never been much of a white pants or shoes person, don't need my bottom looking any bigger in pants I tell ya. ;)
Miss Maddy is adorable as always!
Happy Birthday to Connor! I am sooo glad you came through with some great gifts for him! Don't ever forget -- he was your baby for soooo long! You should continue to spoil him rotten!
I don't think the fashion police will be after you. It's still warm here!
Hey Janet-
I am sooooo behind and just caught up with your sweet family. Glad Conner had a fun birthday - sounds like a typical visit from a son that age:) at least you got to celebrate with him.
As always what can I say about sweet Maddy? She is sooo cute and seems so sweet (love the post about 2nd graders:)That just made me smile. She looks adorable in her uniform - 2nd grade is a pretty big deal! I hope you all enjoyed the rest of the summer. And as far as the white pants go - I'm sure you look cute in anything - so who really cares!
Enjoy the rest of the week! I'll be better about checking in!
- Bridget
Happy 9/9/09! Loved catching up....FINALLY!
Ha! My butt looks big in any color! and I don't really care about the fashion police. That cookie looks pretty tasty. I would eat it and wouldn't care if my butt looks even bigger!
Your son is a cutie too. 22 huh! I can't imagine having a child all grown up like that. I got a late start, being a Mom.
first of all, you are not a bad mom due to the cookie cake vs homemade cake!
plus, i think my girls prefer a yummy cookie cake.
webkinz..too funny!
white pants...i'm thinking if its hot enough for the air conditioner than its still ok to sport the white pants...but what do i know?
I hope Cboo had a very happy bday.....I bet he loved his webkinz and that cookie cake:)
OMG, you are so funny about white.......it was always said no white after Labor Day or Before Memorial Day, but anymore, I don't think many people follow that rule.
Yes, I wear white all summer (shorts, linen pants etc). And in TX we do wear them after LAbor Day because it is so darned HOT but only for a few weeks to a month. I heard on TV the other day that that rule no longer applies but growing up that was DRILLED into me.
PS Happy Birthday to Cboo--the cake looks yummy and I hope he likes his webkins:)
the cookie is a fun idea!
So sweet she made him 3 cards... love that!
wow happy birthday to your son!
Love the cake!
Hope you have a great weekend.
Happy Birthday to you son! They grow up way to fast! God idea going out to eat- that would be my choice, too!! Love the b-day cookie!
I don't wear white on the bottom much but I always think others look good in them. I like blue jeans, Khaki, brown or black on the bottom best! I don't pay attention to that labor day thing anymore - if the weather is warm summer clothes work for me- once the weather cools off the white goes away! (Actually I never wear white shoes and the white long shorts only get worn maybe twice in the middle of the summer)
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