How did September go by so fast?? Is it just me or did the month zip by at record speed? Maybe it's because school started, but whoa, let's slow the rest of the year down a bit, shall we.

Saturday was a beautiful day here in Nebraska -- lovely warm and sunny weather! It was so nice, especially after Maddy and I got totally soaking wet at the University's homecoming parade the night before. Seriously, my hair was plastered down and dripping! We got caught in a major rainstorm! OY!!

So, Saturday we headed to our local sunken garden to enjoy its flowery goodness. A cute young couple decided to get married there and the place was packed. So, we went to a Rose Garden that our city recently developed instead.
Oh. My. Goodness -- it was so beautiful and smelled so good -- I'd forgotten how fragrant roses can be! While there, we looked for a very special bench. A sweet little old lady neighbor of ours died a few years ago and her family put a bench in the Rose Garden in her name.
Seems especially fitting since her daughter is one of the City's gardeners working on both the Sunken Garden and the Rose Garden. I know Marie would be so proud of all of her daughters and her sweet bench at the Rose Garden.

That is so sweet when they have benches in memory of people! I just love it! So glad you found it and got a pick f that cute little girl of yours on the bench!!
I love fall but it is going by entirely too fast! Good idea getting out and enjoying it at the rose garden!
I just bought our girls Ugg boots, too. They are so cute! Tell Maddy I love her boots!
I know what you mean...time is FLYING, isn't it? I keep saying that in the blink of an eye, Christmas will be here. I am so not ready!!
Looks like you had a perfect day for a trip to the rose gardens....and what a perfect place to take Maddy's picture. That is so sweet that your neighbors memory will live on in such a beautiful place.
Maddy looks adorable.....love the outfit, especially those boots:)
Hope you have a good week!
such sweet pics.
I felt the same way about Sept, way fast, I hope Oct lingers a little;)
Have a great week:)
I agree! Fall is flying right by! I wish we could hold on to it a little longer!
Cute pictures of Maddy! We love to visit the gardens too!
It's not just you but September is the fastest month ever! i hope it slows down as well... your weekend sounded lovely. I would have loved to smell the rose garden. sounded fabulous.
Beautiful pics!!! I agree.. September seemed not to exist. It just FLEW by... and it has been raining cats and dogs here too. crazy.
Cute, cute pictures of Miss Maddy. :)
Oh, I so love going to flower gardens! I bet it was wonderful and smelled heavenly.
what a beautiful setting for a little photo shoot of maddy!
i love her outfit!!
Your flower is the most beautiful in that garden.
Yes the time is flying by...October is going to be so busy for us too, I think the rest of the year will be gone before we know it!
Have a wonderful week!!
It DID fly by too quickly, didn't it? I love the benches... my granddad has his name on a plaque by a tree. I love being able to visit it.
Maddy gets cuter every day!
Sweet pics of your beautiful girl...I know what has happened to September? Seems like everyone was just starting school, Fall is moving way to fast for me!
I love our Rose garden and love taking Lucy. Looks like you and Maddy had a perfect Saturday. Hope you enjoy the remainder of September and perhaps October won't fly by!
Enjoy the week!
I agree--September just flew by! I can't believe that stores have already started setting up for the holidays.
Maddy looks lovely on the special bench. (Love those boots!)
Love, love, LOVE your blog girlfriend!! It's so cute, and joyful and fun!!!
Thanks for commenting and saying hey to me today! It's truly wonderful to "meet" you!
what cute photographs! Yes! Where did Sept. go?? It seems like the 1st day of school was just yesterday!
How sweet about that bench!! Most have been an amzing lady! LOVE the photos of Maddy and she is so stylish in her boots, what a cutie! I always think that everytime I come over here. (And can I just tell you how much I love your sweet comments to me. They just make my day and I think the world of YOU!!)
My daughter has that shirt in pink...so cute!
sandy toe
Aww... love the bench.. I know Marie would love the fact Maddy enjoyed her day there at the garden.
LOve, love, love the boots! ;-)
Thanks ever so much for your prayers for our Kate. Amazing stories are going to come out of all our girls lives! We are blessed!
Those flowers have nothing on her...she is beautiful! And yep...September flew by! Of course being gone to Thailand for some of it helped but heavens! It's the day before October! How did that happen!
So glad to be able to stop by again...life is nuts but I've missed you all!
I agree. Where did September go! We are in for a beautiful Fall though. So hoping that you enjoy all the fun festivities that Fall brings!
wow what beautiful photos...how is it that they just grow and blossom in front of our very eyes.
Happy fall
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