First, the GOOD! On Sunday, Maddy and I ventured to our nearby big city to attend a holiday Mulberry Lane concert. Maddy's sweet sister (in-law), Catherine, joined us and so did my twin and her daughter. My Mom was not feeling up to going out to the concert, but we were able to visit a bit with her before it. The concert was so sweet and definitely got us all feeling all Christmasy!

(Snow Bear went along on the ride -- should have known snow was inevitable! Did you notice -- it's even snowing on my blog! )
I suppose the weather was also trying to get us in the holiday mood as it started to snow. In my book, that was BAD. I'm not the most confident highway driver under the best circumstances, but blowing snow . . . yikes!!!
And that turned into the UGLY part of the day! Oh my word!! We were about an hour away from home when the snow started and it was blowing all over the highway. At least it wasn't sticking and getting icy yet. We were on a two-lane highway because I'm afraid of the interstate. There, I admitted it -- go ahead and laugh. But seriously, the speed limit on the interstate is 75 and most people consider that a suggestion and go much faster! The sweet little two-lane highway speed limit is 60, much more manageable. Anyway, the snow was blowing all over the place, nearly white-out conditions at times, making me more and more nervous. I was able (barely) to see the lane marker lines and then started to worry, what about the cars coming towards me? Could they see the lane markers or would they accidentally veer into me head-on? I'm my own worst enemy, aren't I!
We were listening to some Christmas music, but I had to turn it off as it was a distraction. So, guess what we did? Prayed -- out loud! I said, let's pray the rosary, so we started on Hail Mary's. Of course, Maddy says we didn't really pray the rosary as we didn't count the Hail Mary's or say the prayers in between the decades of the rosary, but I had enough to think about without all that. I did have a little freak-out moment when I had to pull off in one of the small towns along the way and call Mr. Tennis so he could calm me down a little. Back on the highway, I started to visualize my little red Jeep being protected from above. As we neared Lincoln, the roads started to get more snow-packed and icy, but we kept on with the Hail Mary's and were able to get home safe and sound, where I promptly collapsed in a heap!
Oh, not a good way to end what started out to be a wonderful day. I hate snowy driving too (and have to do a lot of it) and we can get ourselves into a panic. I liked your solution though.
Glad you got home in one piece. Have a great week.
Glad you made it home safely! I was driving in near white out conditions on Friday morning and it wasn't fun!
Have a good week!
Wow! I've been scared enough about the road conditions to curse but never to pray. Maybe I'll try that next time (sounds like it might be more productive).
Unrelated to that -- let me just say that I love Maddy's haircut. It's so perfect for her sweet face! I can't do anything with my Maddy's hair except pull it into a ponytail and I'm just dying to get it cut into an actual style.
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Sounds like a wonderful day that did not have a wonderful end. I envy your snow though-- we never get it and we wish for it. I know it is different getting it once in a while as opposed to living in it but we do wish for it here in hot so cal.
What an adventure! Glad you made it home safe. I have heard of families praying the rosary when they drive in the car, but I have just plain prayed to keep us safe.
Stressful!!! If it starts snowing I am more than happy to STAY HOME!!
Glad you made it home safe and the concert was worth it ;)
I am glad you made it home safely!! You poor thing driving in those conditions!!
So happy you made it home safe and sound Janet...
I feel so bad about the snowy conditions and driving in it. I'm not fond at all of driving in snow and you'd think I'd be used to it living in the upper Midwest for so many years. BTW I've prayed outloud too while driving, this Fall with Grace and Will in the car with me when we were driving home in tornado/horrible thunder storm conditions...yikes!
Sooo glad you made it home safely! That is most certainly a scary feeling! A little divine protection is what we always need !
Maddy is beautiful as always!
what a day!
So glad you had fun...but i hate a drive home like that.
That makes me nervous too!! Glad you made it home safely!
Oh Janet...I am a nervous driver myself and I totally in my co-dependent way put myself right in your shoes. I am so sorry you had such an experience. So glad you are home to tell the tale!!!
Take care,
That makes for some very tense driving...glad you made him home safely! God's protection is awesome!
So glad you made it home safe and sound! I do love the snow, but only from my front door.
YIKES!!! Sounds like a scary ride glad the Hail Mary's saw you through and you made it home safe and sound!! I drive a lot for my job and it doesn't bother me.....until the snow starts to fall.......I DO NOT DRIVE IN THE SNOW!!
Cute pic of Miss Maddy:)
Hope you have a great week....and I hear that there is a lot more snow in your future!!
Holy cow! What a super scary drive home! I don't like driving in the snow either and especially not on the Interstate! Too bad Greenwood didn't have a motel you could have crashed at for the night! Glad you made it home safe and sound!
Cute picture of M!
Oh, that's so horrifying! I hate driving in the snow. We get a lot of that blowing snow here in the country and it's so scary. So glad you made it home safely. I can imagine how exhausted you were.
P.S. I do love that you have snow on your blog, too cute! :)
I am so glad you got home safely! Driving in a blizzrd is no fun at all and neither is driving in a thunderstorm with chances of tornadoes, both times I was by myslef and I sang "Jesus Loves Me" more times than I can count.
PS- I sent you an email, I got Maddy's barrettes done.
So glad you made it home safely! Those moments can be so stressful! But I LOVE the snow and wish it would snow here!
I love the snow on your blog!! And the picture is so cute!!
I'm so glad you arrived safely. I hate highway driving too... especially in the dark and rain. I always have a panic attack in those conditions so I can relate. Glad you are safe and sound!!
I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! How awful! That's one of my biggest nightmares! Good for you for finding a great way of calming yourself down by saying the rosary! Glad you made it home safe and sound! : )
I totally believe in the power of prayer.
Love the snow on your blog!
I am glad you are ok! What a great example to pray for God's protection. We try to do that with our kids too, it is such a great reminder to them that He is always there for us! Merry Christmas~
So glad you made it home safely. The Blessed Mother was definitely praying for you guys. I love that your daughter knows all about the Rosary. My girls aren't as proficient yet.
Merry Christmas
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