Tuesday, May 15, 2012


What have you been inspired by lately?

Always inspired by my sweet little girl
and my big kids too and their sweet, helpful ways. 
Inspired by  Mr. Tennis's quick recovery from hip replacement,
though hoping he is not planning on riding his motor scooter or horse
anytime soon!! 
Did you hear that honey - the doc said no scooter or horse riding until at least 2013!

Beautiful flowers and photos always inspire me.
  Lovely homes inspire me to declutter --
but the clutter in my house often overwhelms me
 (where to start??  what to throw out??)
 so then I turn to . . .

I've been inspired by chocolates! 
Do you believe it?? 

Loving Dove* chocolates lately!!
Very, very smooth texture and so sweet and so chocolaty! 
Perfect with a cup of coffee or tea or water. 
Doesn't that sound yummy!?

Besides their divine favor,
I love the inspirational messages inside the Dove* chocolates.  

Who knew -- words of wisdom from chocolates?
My faves:
Chocolate is a gift of love
Shut out the world for just one moment. 
Be good to yourself today. 
Too much of a good thing is wonderful.
Clear your mind and enjoy this moment. 
Laugh whenever possible.

So, I really must
continue eating the chocolates
if only for inspiration purposes!
Don't you agree??  :)


BrOwN CiRcUs said...


Virginia said...

Oh yes, I've always found chocolate a great source of inspiration, or maybe it's energy..especially since I like it dark and chased it with a frapppucino...hmm. She is such a pretty little girl!

Gin =)

3 Peanuts said...

I am not feeling terribly inspired lately. Maybe I need some dark Dove chocolates:) LOVE these photos of Maddy!!

Lisa said...

love them! esp the dark chocolate

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

I love that picture of you little miss! And, now you have done it, I MUST get the Dove chocolate.

You are the sweetest writer. you are always so up beat. I feel like I need a little bit of that lately.

love to you my friend,


Musings from Kim K. said...

Maddy is so precious. I'm overwhelmed with work right now. Chocolate sounds safer than that glass of wine I'm craving.

Gail said...

Well I for one have NOT been inspired to blog or even take many photos...hoping it doesn't last long.

You've inspired me though with your beautiful portraits of Miss Maddy. And chocolate sounds like the perfect sweet to end the day.


Courtney said...

Dove is my favorite chocolate. Cute pictures of Miss Maddy!

Jodee said...

Is Dove paying you? Crack me up! I had no idea chocolate could be soooo inspirational! Continue to eat it and be inspired! I love chocolate too!

Lori said...

words or wisdom AND chocolate?! can not go wrong with that!!
adorable pictures, happy mothers day!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Oh my, It is not even 8am and I am craving chocolate now! I gave up sugary sweet treats for lent and I have been trying to keep it going... I might need to cave and buy a bag of Dove!!!

Beautiful photos of Maddy!!!

Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day~



Alyson and Ford said...

Looking at our beautiful, growing, smart, thriving daughters just gives me so much joy and inspiration.... just imagining their futures....

Alyzabeth's Mommy

Nancy Nurse said...

Always inspired by your blogging! Makes me wish I kept up on mine - hope to do more this summer once school is out and Joe's wedding is behind me! Thanks for the sweet inspiration!