Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ups and Downs and Bits of Randomness

Hello Friends!
I've had a few posts percolating in my brain
for the last week, but none have actually
been completed.
Soooo, I'm going to combine a bunch of randomness and call it good.

Mads and I were starting to go a little stir crazy earlier this month
during a cold spell
so we went off to the "I Love My Dog" expo!
The highlight was seeing the
Salt Dog mascot from our local baseball team!

And then the jeep was sliding a lot on the way home
 due to the freezing rain/snow,
so we stayed home.
I baked some cookies and napped - the smell of home-baked cookies
put me right to sleep.
That was a fun day -- for me anyway! 

Since then we've been blessed with incredible warm and sunny weather!
Loving it!
I've spent a lot of time doing yard cleanup - which in 60+ temps after a long winter feels like heaven.  And I know the budding plants under the layers and layers of leaves, ice and gunk
appreciate my efforts.

Last weekend, we actually took a little roadtrip to a nearby
outlet mall!  The Under Armour store was
calling some one's name! :)

Who could resist a little hole in the wall eatery
called Voodoo Taco?
Pretty yummy!

In other news, Mr. Tennis has been in the hospital again.
Poor guy -- he rather suddenly became really ill earlier this week.
It appears all related to the nasty ulcerative Crohn's disease
he was diagnosed with in January.
Hoping he is home today or tomorrow!
He's keeping in good spirits and feeling much better.
If you could say a prayer or two for him, we'd appreciate it.


Number 6 and no more counting! said...

oh dear I am sorry to hear about Mr. Tennis. He must be having quite the time for them to admit him. I hope you get him home safe and sound soon.

looks like you and Miss M are enjoying life.


Billie Jo said...

Baking cookies and napping...that sounds like the perfect afternoon.
Prayers are being sent you way!

Laurie said...

Love the 60's weather and the fun stops at new hole in the wall places to eat. Do not love that your sweetie is not feeling well. My mother-in-law has had Crohn's disease since she was in her 30's, and it is not a fun disease to deal with. I'm so sorry he's struggling and pray they will find some solutions to ease his pain soon!

Lux G. said...

That was a great day! The smell of cookies lulling you to sleep is a good idea. I think I'd have to ditch my lavender oil and try freshly baked cookies instead. :)

Have a fantastic weekend!

Jodee said...

Hooray for the nice weather! We are enjoying it too!

Carson and Kamree love going to the outlet mall and I love eating Mexican while there!

Hope Mr. Tennis feels better soon!

likeschocolate said...

Sorry Mr. Tennis has been sick! Ouch!

Jen Kershner said...

Your Mr is having a tough time of it! I hope he is better soon and that you are enjoying that gorgeous weather together.