Friday, March 22, 2019

Five on Friday!

A quick Five on Friday Post!

1.  #NebraskaStrong -- The State of Nebraska has been devastated
by the "bomb cyclone" and flooding of the last week!  So sad to see entire towns
wiped out, livestock killed, houses and barns floating away.
As our state song says, 
"We'll all stick together in all kinds of weather"
and the entire State has rallied to help those out who have
sustained horrendous losses.
Please Pray for Nebraska.

2.  Hogwarts!  I never finished reporting on our February Orlando trip!
Does visiting Hogwarts University count as a college visit??? :)
So. Much. Fun!

3.  Hogwarts Train.  Coming from a railroad family - there was no way
we could miss seeing and riding the Hogwarts Express.
The steam engines reminded me of my dear Dad who was
a railroad engineer all his life!  
He would have loved that train!

4.  Minions and the Girls!  When we heard there was a breakfast
buffet at our hotel with the Minions, we signed right up!
What a hoot! Despicable Me Forever!

5.  The Castle!  The Harry Potter castle and rides were beyond
amazing!  What fun!
Truth be told - we missed Disney a little - so sneaked
over for a one-day quick visit!

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Billie Jo said...

Prayers coming your way, my friend.
And such happy photos on a Friday!