As a little reward for helping out with the party and littler kids last Saturday, I took Maddy to Build a Bear workshop last Sunday. I know, I know, we have more than enough stuffed animals, but I had a feeling this bear was going to be special. We were spending the afternoon with my Mom and went to the mall to shop a bit and visit the workshop. Perhaps because it was Mother's Day and finally some lovely weather, it wasn't very busy -- very nice for us, indeed. Maddy picked out a sweet brown bear, stuffed it lovingly and kissed its little heart before putting it into her bear. Of course, then it was on to clothes and accessories. Maddy Bear (as she was named by Maddy) is a very special bear. She has a hearing aid too! I learned that the Build a Bear workshops had hearing aids for the bears from one of Maddy's teachers. One of the things that does seem to bother Maddy sometimes is that she is the only person in her whole school and daycare with a hearing impairment and a hearing aid. But now, having a little bear with a hearing aid too seemed to make her feel better about hers.

And we've finally been enjoying some warmer and not so rainy weather. Maddy and I have been going to the park or school playground in the evenings. But, where is everybody else? The last couple times we've gone to the playground, it's totally empty. Weird, but nice since Maddy has the run of the place. Here she is -- enjoying some fav activities.

Jan -- What a sweet post! I am so glad Maddy now has a bear with a hearing aid. The pictures are adorable!
Carson and I need to come over one night to go to the playground with you! We could get unhealthy Happy Meals for dinner!
Cute pictures!! Maddy's new little bear is cute and who cares about all those other stuffed animals!
she looks so big! Love that she and the bear have matching hearing aids.
I love the bear Maddy got at Build a Bear...that is just fabulous!
Maddy simply gets prettier by the day, if that's possible!!
Weird about no kids on the playground, but sounds like you took good advantage of the situation!!
Such cute pictures of Miss Maddy. I love her Build A Bear Bear - how great that it has a little hearing aid. I'm sure she will love it. Glad you are enjoying some warmer weather! Hope you had a nice weekend!
Very cute pictures of Maddy and her bear. Maddy is so pretty! :)
SO sweet! I did not realize that Build-aBear had hearing aids. I know a very beautiful and special little girl who I will go buy one for! Maddy is very pretty! Her hair is so cute too!
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