To say that Maddy is a Disney fan is a bit of an understatement! She LOVES everything Disney -- especially DisneyWorld and her fav buddy, Mickey Mouse. Simba (from the Lion King, remember?) is a close second, but Simba is often sent to the naughty stair. Of course, she actually loves nearly every Disney stuffed animal ever made! She did go through a Princess phase and loves them too, but that phase seems to be passing a bit lately.
A few months ago, a friend got the inside scoop on buying tickets to Disney on Ice early. I jumped on the chance and have been keeping the Disney on Ice performance as a special treat for Maddy. I normally would not go to something like this on a school night, but the tickets were an incredible bargain and it seemed that it was the only performance that would work for us.
So, we had a little road trip last evening with Jodee and the cute Carson and Shari and the adorable Kelsey. Shari's hub, Geoff, came along too and is also kind of cute. Jodee drove her "mom van" complete with DVD player. The kids watched a movie on the way and we did not hear any of them utter the famous words, "Are we there yet?"

The show was amazing -- fun effects, great skating and a cute story. Maddy and I really enjoyed hearing some of our favorite Disney songs and seeing the characters. Definitely made me want to start planning a return trip to DisneyWorld and I know Maddy would agree! It was really a fun evening! For those of you who know Jodee and how much she loves to get photos to go along with her blog posts, yes, that is her below scanning her photos while waiting to get out of the parking lot. Thanks again for driving Jodee!

sounds like a fun evening!
Come on -- did you have to post that silly picture?! Seriously, we had a great time too! Let's start planning our next roadtrip. What's at the Qwest next?! We will have Shari, the VIP, keep us in the loop!
We heart Disney too. Sounds like a wonderful night!
Sounds like a blast! It must have been so magical for the kids (and adults too for that matter!). Have a great weekend too!
I just saw this on Jodee's blog and how fun was that!!! I toatlly am going to watch for Disney on Ice when it comes to town. I love the overpriced souveniers-- to the tune of $16 each-- crazy especially since it simply goes into the junk bin after they have played with it once!! Glad you guys had fun!!
Chrisyt :)
I'm glad you guys had such a great time! We are big Disney fans too! I can't wait to go in November!! Have a great weekend!
Looks like you all had a fabulous time...I am so jealous I am so far away!
I love that you got a pic of Jodee although I was hoping to see her in Michey Ears!!
I saw the picture of the kids this mornng on Jodee's blog....so cute that Maddy was holding Mickey...you are right, she always has a stuffed animal!!!
Enjoy your weekend!
Mickey Ears, not Michey...sorry!!
We had so much fun!! We must do more road trips! Funny pic of Jodee!!
Good friends...good times...road trip....Disney.....SCHOOL NIGHT....well the excitement just doesn't get any higher!!!
Looks like a fabulous time was had by all!!
I love Disney on Ice..it is so much fun! I remember going as a child! Disney has a special place in my heart..the smell of Disney is like no other! We went in April...it's still is as magical as the last time!
-Sandy Toes
Disney on Ice on a school night!?! It doesn't get much better than that for the kids. Glad to hear you had a great time!
Oh how fun! My girls would love Disney on Ice. I wonder if they'll be in my neck of the woods anytime soon???
Great pictures, too!
We have been to several of the Disney on Ice productions and had fun at all of them...sounds like you did too!
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