Flashing back this week to the first few months home with Maddy. Isn't she just about one of the cutest babies ever -- not biased at all, am I!! She's only about 16 -17 months old in this picture and had only been home about 2 months. There had been so many changes in her short little life. I think she still looks a bit scared and shell-shocked in this photo. What a brave baby girl she was --meeting a new family, coming to a new place, being sick on the way home (such long flights!), having to adjust to different food, smells, time changes -- oy! It would be enough to make me run for cover! When we met her, we discovered she had developed a distinctive coping mechanism of blocking things out when it was too noisy, too many people around, when people got too close to her, or everything was just too much for her to handle. There could be chaos going on all around her (like the red couch photos), but she could totally block it out and remain calm and detached from the noise and confusion. It about breaks my heart that she had to figure out how to cope at such a young age. I know that I can't do anything about her first 14 months of life, but I will make certain she knows she is loved and cherished every single day. She was an incredibly sweet baby and now is such a loving little girl. We have been so blessed!
Look how little she was..so precious!
I love going back and looking at these photos....
Enjoy your weekend...I had to quick check in before NYC!!
What a sweet picture of Miss Maddy. She was soooo little and she does look a bit scared. I remember how exciting it was when you brought her home!
Maddy is such a sweet and loving little girl. You are so blessed to be her mommy!
Have a great weekend!
Wow, she's so little! What a precious little blessing.
I do find it truly amazing how they find ways of coping at such a young age. These girls have probably gone through more in their short little lives than we have in all our years.
There's no doubt in my mind how dearly loved Maddy is. I'm sure she brings more to your family than everyone ever imagined. What a special blessng!
Oh....this made me sad...she looks so scared....not at all like the self assured, bubbling over with joy Maddy I know!!! I feel this way when I look at pictures of Lia from the early days as well....You kind of recognize after the fact how very much they were trying to process in such a short amount of time!!!
Have the best weekend!!
You truly have been blessed! She is so beautiful...inside and out!
Look at that hair, and those beautiful features! My goodness I would have never put her down! (I'm sure you didn't!)
This is the sweetest post! Maddy was a beautiful baby!!! No wonder she is such a gorgeous little gal.
I recognize that scared look, as Paige was the same way for some time.
They are incredible children and I know Maddy is extremely blessed to have you as her mommy!
What a beautiful little girl and a sweet sentiment from her mommy!!
I remember getting Leila's first photo taken and I didn't realize how scared she looked at the time. I was just so in awe of her beauty. Now I look back at it and think she looks so terrified.
Janet- our little ones have come so far. I recognize that little expression on her face all too well. Beautiful and oh so strong.
You are right- everyday she will know she is loved, cherished. I know that you will see to that.
Have a wonderful weekend and hugs to Maddy.
Oh she looks so cute there! Have a great weekend.
What a sweet picture of Maddy. She looks so little. I love seeing flashback friday photos.
What a doll baby! Love the cheeks!!! When I look in her eyes I can really tell it is her. I know she is your joy!!!
Oh look how sweet and little Maddy is in this picture! It is amazing all of the changes they go through when we bring them home. It is hard not to think about their lives before we met them but she is so lucky to have come into such a wonderful, loving family! Hope all's well!
- Bridget
What a darling baby! It is hard to imagine all that she muswt have endured to find her way to you!
What a little sweetie...what a strong little girl. What a blessing to be in your family where she is loved so much!
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