Do you remember last spring when we had torrential rains that flooded our basement? Yeah, it's a distant unpleasant memory for me too. Well, we finally had the drain tile and sump pump installed in December. Then we had to re-drywall, and do something about the floor which had been carpeted, but we weren't going to do that again. Anyway, this basement project is the main reason that the house has been so dusty for the last couple of months (that's my story anyway). Drywall dust just keeps floating around and reappearing just moments after having been wiped away!! Even covered with plastic, everything had layers and layers of dust -- ugh!

So, the last two weekends we had tile installed in the basement. It turned out great! And, the basement is so clutter-free -- the first time in years!! Of course, the laundry room and furnace room are both packed with stuff that we need to deal with (i.e., get rid of a lot of it)! Anyway, I finally feel like we are making a bit of progress.
The new tile floor -- so nice!!
Mr. Tennis liked the new tile so much that we are now having new tile installed in the foyer and that project is being worked on this weekend and next probably. I'm afraid that 2009 is also going to be known as the year of the home repairs!
The Rickster's exercise domain -- elliptical, back stretcher and some weird hang-upside down machine -- that is going to make it's way to the recycling center or Craig's list soon!
THe tile looks will love is so easy to clean!!
Good luck with all those home is not fun living through the renovation stage, but it is always worth the aggrevation when it is all done!!
Jan -- Your basement turned out sooo nice! I love the tile and paint. It is so nice to be clutter-free for a while too!
See you tomorrow for some more "work" fun!
The basement tile looks great! We need to do the same thing. I'd love to get rid of the carpeting down in ours.
I'm sure all that dust will be worth it when your finally done. However, when you own a house it seems like your never done with projects.
Hope you have a great week!
Awesome! I know about that drywall dust - almost impossible to get rid of - I re-surfaced my kitchen and bathroom and about killed myself with the dust!!
Your basement/tile looks great!!
Don't chunk that weird hangie upside downie thingy - I hear it's terrific for your back - I need that about now!!
Love the tile!!! It looks great. And won't it be nice to be clutter free? I feel like I get ahead a bit and all of a sudden am swamped again by stuff. Where does it come from???
The tile looks great and so does the exercise room. And while you may not like home improvement projects, we sure do look seeing the end results here in Blogland. :)
Have a great week!
The tile looks great!
I totally understadn your dust issue - we've waterproofed and drywalled a basement before!
I can come and help you throw things out!! I am good at that. =)
Wow, looks awesome! You have your own home gym :)
oh I know you are feeling better about it. Looks great.
Everything looks great! I love the tile and the paint. Your brave to call 2009 the year of home sure looks like you guys know what you are doing! Great job!!
It looks so nice!! I bet you are glad that project is so close to being done!! Yay!!!
Sorry to hear about your basement. The new tile looks wonderful and also very practical. Enjoy!
The tile looks great!! Your basement looks awesome! I bet you are so happy to have it done.
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