Who likes Chuck EEEE? Yeah, I thought so! It's never been a favorite place of mine. I can be a bit of a germaphobe at times and that place screams for hand sanitizer! Now, why don't they have hand sanitizer near every game?? I would like it better if they did, wouldn't you!
I can probably count the number of times that I took the boys to Chuck E Cheese on one hand. And one of the boys (not saying which one) was actually a bit afraid of the Mouse, so did not even want to go there!
Anyway, we have gone there a bit more with Miss Maddy as she LOVES the games, winning and hoarding tickets and figuring out just what junkety junk she can buy with those tickets.

Last Friday was her first day of summer vacay from school and she had a friend spending the day with us, so I decided to take both girls there as a little treat! It wasn't crowded at all and the girls had a blast trying to see who could win more tickets. They went through 50 tokens each in record time! Not to worry, we had more fun after Chuck E's . . . I took them to look at puppies at a nearby pet store. What was I thinking?!?!

The photo below is from nearly four years ago -- it was (I believe) her first visit to Chuck E's for a good friend's birthday! Here she is with Barney and the Birthday Girl!
Weren't they the cutest! Those two were inseparable at daycare for a couple of years.
Ohhh the things we do to make our children happy!! :) I've never been a big fan of places like that either...and for similar reasons...but the kiddos sure seem to have fun! Such cute photos!! :)
I'm a bit of a germaphobe too, but every know and then I just have to give in. I love looking at pictures from the past, she sure has grown.
BTW, what kinda of puppy are ya gettin? :o)
What fun but the germs freak me out as well. Especially when you see kids with things dripping off them comming out of the ball pit. yuck!!!
Even with our freak germaphobeness, the kids still love it!!
Christy :)
ME 2 on the germaphobe thing! Wow what a difference 4-years has made!
I am soooo with you on the germs! I hate that place, however, Carson and Kamree love it! You are such a good mama to take the girls there and to look at puppies too! You are making me look bad!
Good ole Chuck E Cheese, my kids LOVE going there...your post reminded me I have pictures of Vivi Jo's first Chuck E. Cheese adventure that I have not yet posted.
Love all the pictures of you cutie through the years.
Hooray for you, having survived a Chuck E. visit. It's not my favorite either, and it's not the germ thing so much, as the noise and crowded space.
I am not a fan of Chuck either....but have had to suck it up and go on a couple of occasions!! The girls look like they had a blast......You are brave to take them to see puppies....i still cannot believe you don;t have one yet. I thought for sure, Maddy would be begging for one!!
Hope you have a nice weekend!!
I completely agree with the whole hand sanitizer thing but the kids have so much fun. Sounds like the perfect ending to a great school year.
Have a wonderful weekend!
That's so funny!! Liam was scared to DEATH of that place... partly the mouse... partly the noise. So we never went. But Em loves noises and mice, so she's willing and able. We have found a nicer version here in town where she can hoard tickets too :)
My girlies love CEC! You are the bomb Mom for taking Maddie on such a crowded day!! Jasmine's favorite thing to do is get that picture with Chuck E in that car. I swear I have about 20 of those!!
Love the flashback pic - what a sweetie!!
Bless you!!! The kids love going there and I am just thankful that the closest one to us is 2 1/2 hours from here!!!! I loved the pictures and it looks like they had a fabulous time!
I'm a germ freak too.. we've been there 1 time.But good for you and look how happy and such fun they had!
have a great weekend,
Oh what great photo's! When it's rainy, Leah loves me to take her to the indoor Pirate ship at the mall or our neighborhood McDonalds play yard. I want to cover her in a bubble! So far so good though!
Thanks for your sweet thoughts about our Kate!
Glad you had fun, germs and all. When we see these places we go the other way. Hannah get's way, WAY over stimulated. When it was time to go she had a MAJOR melt down. It was scary bad.
Will Larry be getting a friend to play with soon? ;-)
Ah, Chuck E Cheese...after one trip there, I understood why they serve beer! Cute photos!
Oh you are a good mommy to take them to Chuckee's! Before Annie came home I took Ashlie and Allie there on a few winter mornings. Not bad at all with no crowds. You've inspired me to put add (one) visit to our list of rainy day summer activities!
Oh, I'm the same way...don't love it but my kids do so we go.
The photos are darling though and the memories for Maddy are worth it!!
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