Raise your hand if you do a "theme" tree please. Anybody?? I don't know that I've ever had much of a theme - just a lot of ornaments assembled through the years. Some I've loved, some I've tossed -- really, how long do I have to keep that Cub Scout ornament from the 1990's?? Some ornaments are too special to get rid of (see why I have a clutter problem?), but they don't need to go on the tree every single year.

This year I decided we would try and limit the ornaments to silver, white and red! These are some of my fave ornaments.
Note: One bad thing about silver glittery ornaments -- the glitter comes off! Oh yes, I've had glitter on my clothes at work some days! But that's just me trying to look festive and brighten up the workplace!

We have many, many ornaments too Janet and we usually (not always though) put up 2 trees. I think it's a great idea to have a tree with ornaments with specific colors like you did. And glitter, ah yes, I've been finding it on my face lately...;)
Merry Christmas:)
What a lovely tree. Have a wonderful week of family and love...
I have a tree upstairs that I put all the ornaments the kids have made over the last few years, or that are crazy looking. We put the big tree in the living room and I try to stick with gold or red, but lately it has other colors showing up. Thanks! You gave me a blog idea.
Your tree is beautiful. I don't have a theme for me tree, just lots of ornaments that are special to me.
The tree looks beautiful!!!
You are not alone.... I am the same way with my tree.... I try to limit the colors and stick with three and I usually try to match the decor of the room where the tree is located.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Hope Santa is good to you:)
BTW, BEAUTIFUL card....I loved all the photos, especially the family photo on the inside:)
Beautiful tree!!! We have thematic trees, too. I love seeing the old ornaments every year. On a separate note...the Christmas card that I sent you TWO weeks ago, came back return to sender today :( I wrote your address on the envelope wrong (I put my zipcode ... duh!).
I'm putting it back in the mail tomorrow...SORRY!
so pretty! I'm a red and white gal on my tree...and silver and gold...and anything sparkly & shiny...and some homemade junk too. :) merry xmas to you!
We don't have a theme, however, I do try to limit the colors! Your tree looks fabulous this year! Bring on the glitter!
Hmm....I'm a silver girl so I'd feel right at home at your place. I love your ornaments and your tree. Heck, I can find glitter on my hands in July.
And I do theme trees too.
Merry Christmas to you!
Wanda (at Last...)
I guess I have a theme tree! It's creamy and white. I like your color choices! Have a very merry christmas!
I actually stepped back this year and let my kids decorate our tree.
Yours is beautiful.
I have had a themed tree for years and that is why I bought my children a 4 1/2 foot tree for all of their homemade ornaments and whatever else they come up with for the tree.
Very pretty! Mine tree isn't themed, but I love seeing themed trees. We have a wonderful assortment of ornaments and love displaying them on the tree!
glitter, ah yes, I've been finding it on my face lately.
Work from home India
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