I like doing crafts, I really do, but I don't have a lot of time to devote to them. Also, I am a bit of a messy crafter (there -- I admitted it). Plus, I often already have enough stuff around without adding crafting paraphernalia to the mix!
Anywhoo, I recently saw a ribbon pumpkin on another blog -- sorry, I'm not sure which one. Theirs was a bit different as I generally take the easy way on craft projects. Get a little ribbon, terrifically tacky tape, a scissors and a fake pumpkin and you're all set for this project!
Maddy and I are making one for each of her teachers. Nothing like a little brown-nosing of the teachers, eh?!! Oh stop, I'm kidding -- we like to do nice things and give surprises out -- esp. to teachers!
I love how it turned out. Guess what -- pumpkins and ribbon are currently on sale at your local favorite hobby store! Ribbon pumpkins for everyone!!

LOVE these so much!!!
Love it!! You know me. I'm all over a good craft. Your pumpkins are lovely. I've got a couple of white pumpkins that might need a bit of special ribbon.
Those pumpkins turned out too cute! What teacher wouldn't love getting one as a gift.
how do you make these?
fabulous! I just messaged you!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them Janet!
would be very interested in how you made them.
Go Martha Go! Those turned out soooo cute! I especially love the ribbon you picked out!
SO adorable!!! I would LOVE it if a student made me a sweet surprise like this. You ARE crafty, my friend!!!
These are so cute. I made intial pumpkins this year to give to Logan and Madison. I also made one for myself. I am sure her teachers will love them. Maybe I will refer my students over to your blog for gift ideas!!!
Um, I will be making those this weekend they are AD.OR.ABLE!!! Great job!
Those are the cutest pumpkins I have ever seen. Might need to borrow your idea. Thanks for sharing! Happy fall!
You dog!! Those are BREATHTAKING!! Bailey even came running over to look when i exclaimed outloud. Really, really beautiful job janet!! I wish I was Maddys teacher just to get those!! How will you possibly top that at Christmas now the pressure is on, lol I will be waiting to see!
Oh those are SO cute! We may have to do some too. Cute, cute, cute!
I thought you might love to see this post on this blog...
also, are you on facebook at all??
I LOVE them!!! And you are right, what a nice gift for teachers :)
very cute!!!
Those are just too cute!
These are darling!!! I made the teachers monogrammed pumpkins last year...maybe I can handle these...I am not so crafty. They are really really cute!
Very cool, I like them!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Okay, I'm TOTALLY going to do this! What a fun idea! And much less messy an traditional pumpkin decorating! ;)
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
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