Wednesday, May 27, 2020

This and That and Whatever

Hello Friends!
Oh my word -- how did it get to be the end of May already?
Sorry to be sooooo slow to update.

Happy to report Mr. Tennis is recovering well from his ailments 
and hospital stay.

Online learning during this covid time
of life and final semester of senior year has been challenging
to put it mildly.
Imagine your final high school semester and all the fun stuff
cancelled all of a sudden!
Meanwhile, teachers loaded on the homework assignments!
Not fun!
But, Maddie focused and finished strong even
with the challenges of at-home learning.
One of the hardest parts (besides the excessive classwork)
was not being able to see classmates and friends.

She really enjoyed the TCA learning which involved half-days at her
home high school (Pius X) and half days at the
community college. She would highly recommend that to any
students who have the opportunity.  Great chance to get out of your
home high school and expand horizons and learning!
Graduation is currently scheduled for early August.
We wish they would have it sooner - like in the football field?
That would allow for ample social distancing!

Our city had a fun neighborhood grad walk last weekend
and I will tell you about that next!

Oh . .. and our pup Frannie has been growing fast!
More about her later too!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

A Perfect Storm of a Week!

Hello dear friends!
Hope you are all doing well and healthy during 
this incredibly difficult time.

So  many things came together last week to make it a "perfect storm" when
 a rare combination of circumstances joined together and resulted in a semi-disaster,
 and caused lots of worry, stress and aggravation.
It was a week to remember . . . or maybe someday forget?

Last Friday evening, April 24, Mr. Tennis
a/k/a The Rickster collapsed at the barn where 
he was taking care of his horse.
Luckily, there were others nearby who were 
able to call 911.  He was whisked off to the hospital 
where I met the doctors caring for him in the ER.
He was admitted, sedated and intubated while they tried to determine
what the heck happened???
No, he did not have Corona virus and was tested for
every other potential medical event known.
Without going in to too much medical detail, turns out
that his electrolytes bottomed out and crashed impacted by his Crohn's disease
and other auto-immune ailments.  He was one very sick guy.
So happy to report that he is getting better everyday and
is now doing rehab to gain his strength back.

In addition, since there are covid restrictions in place, we have not seen
him since April 24th - - no visitors at all. 
We are able to talk to him on the 
telephone and he sounds good!  He's working hard 
at rehab and we hope he will be home in the coming days.
Maybe even today!

It was a bit of deja vu all over again from 22 years ago
in April when he had a sudden heart attack!  That was a Friday night spent
waiting in the ER then too.

In other news, Maddie's second semester of senior year
has resulted in more homework than during regularly held classes.
 More stress! And now finals are approaching.  UGH.
Let the seniors go already! :)

And our stinker puppy Frannie has found a space to get out of the backyard
fence and visit the neighbors and their three little boys!
Trying to figure out how to barricade that area.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed around here.
Yep - a perfect storm!

Good thoughts and prayers are appreciated.
Looking forward to a better week.
