Whoa -- that title is an "under"statement to be sure!! Most of you dear readers know that my oldest son is getting married at the end of May! Yikes -- only 1 month away! Well, the beautification of "moi" process continues at a rapidly-escalating rate since the wedding is getting closer and closer. Anyway, I ordered and received my dress (very lovely if I may say so myself), but it seemed a little saggy baggy and . . . who am I kidding . . . I am a little saggy baggy! So after conferring with a couple of friends and my hairdresser, I decided to pull out all of the stops and invest in some Spanx! Well, actually, I went for the JC Penneys cheaper version called Flexees. But really, come on now -- there is NOTHING flexible about it. Plain and simple -- it's a big fat girdle and a long one too -- it goes halfway down my legs to just a bit above my knees!! These garments are not made for the weak -- they are scary! [Oh look -- there's a photo of me below in my spanx and heels with my incredibly long legs! Wow -- this beautification process is really working!] Oh, I can hardly wait for Maddy to see it -- she will die laughing!! But, on the other hand, it really does get everything under control! Another scary thought -- the saleswoman told me that she wears hers all the time -- like under her shorts in the summer!!! OMG -- I thought she had to kidding, but nope, she said that she loves the smooth lines and no flab look! Maybe she just said that because she works there and wanted me to buy more -- no way would I ever wear one under shorts. Well, maybe if I wanted to drop a couple pounds fast as I figure it would be incredibly hot in the summer and I could sweat off a pound or two. I did have a couple of more fun purchases than that one! Found a lovely necklace and dangly earrings and shoes!! And, took my dress (along with my faux-spanx) and had the dress altered a bit so there should be nothing saggy baggy about me on May 31!

OMG that was so funny!! I was cracking up!! You will look fantastic at the wedding! You better take a lot of pictures!!! Or have someone take pictures!
I cannot wait to see pics. I have friends who swear by these types of undergarments. hey, whatever works! We'll keep your secret but will Maddy??
I am with Shari on this one -- I am laughing outloud! What a fabulous idea, however, I really don't think you need one!
Can't wait to see your whole outfit together! When are you going to model for all of your fun (or favorite) co-workers?!
I am cracking up at the "faux-spanx" comment and look forward to reading more about the beautification of you story :-)
So funny! The things we do for beauty huh? I'm sure you will look great. I can't wait to hear more.
I am tagging you for a 6 quirky things meme...see my site for details!
You are very funny! Sounds like you do have everything under control! I can't wait to see pictures!!
I am with you...girdles and shorts don't belong in the same sentence!!
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