Who remembers pogo sticks?
Are they considered "vintage" now? I think they still make them, don't they? I found one in the garage that was like new. I think I bought it for one of the boys ages ago . . . do boys even use pogo sticks??? What was I thinking?
But, oh my gosh -- it is fun!! Ours is really tightly wound [I'd guess you call it], and Maddy and the neighbor girls are too light to use it properly. So, guess who is breaking in the pogo stick??? Yep, yours truly! My neighbor saw me bouncing on it -- he gave me a thumbs up and then I think I heard him snickering and whispering to another neighbor!
But, hey, I'm doing it in for the girls after all -- not for my own enjoyment!
You may not know this, but I was a pogo champion of our neighborhood playground the year after my bicycle championship. Yes, always an overachiever, that's me! I figure it's a form of exercise, isn't it. Don't you think I'm burning a few calories on the pogo? I did a little Google search and you'll be happy to know that pogo sticks are still available. Some pogos need the user to be at least 70 pounds. Guess it will be a while before Maddy conquers the pogo -- she's working hard to try and gain enough weight to get out of the car booster seat. Our state law requires the child to be at least 60 pounds. Hmmm, at the rate she is going (42 pounds currently), she'll probably still be in that booster in jr high!

I could NEVER get the hang of the Pogo~ 2 jumps and I was down for the count!
Umm... I would totally break my leg. But the Tongginator would love one.
Jan~If I lived in your neighborhood, I would so be on that Pogo stick.....right up my alley!!!
Too fun!
FUN! Maddy is alot like Mason in the weight department (also 42 pounds). I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!
I remember those!!!
How fun!!!!
Love the looks on Maddy's face! That's what I imagine my face looks like with one of those in my hand! Hahaha . ..
That is so funny!!! Pogo champion-- you overacheiver you! Maddy is so tiny. I have a feeling Mia will be following in her footsteps as she is almost 3 and only 25 pounds. Tiny little things with big personalities. Too cute and you have fun on that pogo. It must be great exersize.
What a hoot! I can just see all of your neighbors snickering at you! I don't think we are coordinated enough at our house to pogo!
Hope you have a great week!
Way to much coordination for me. You go girl! You need to post a photo of you on the pogo. :-)
You go Janet!!! I am thoroughly impressed!!! I would have loved to see you work that pogo :)
Okay, that post cracked me up!
Well...I do, in fact I remember having one 'way back when'...I'd be game for trying one again. Can seeing you jumpin...;)
It is nice how kids keep us young! I'd wind up in a cast, for sure, but you go girl!!!
I laughed about what you wrote about the booster seat. I always joke that Lindy will go on her first date and still be in a car seat. She's not even 30 pounds yet...
Fun stuff!!!
I LOVE the POGO!!! My parents still have it and whenever we go over, Nick uses it:)
Maybe by the time Maddy is in high school she will be able to make it work....what a cutie!!
haha!! I bought one for Liam a few years back... he likes it but his balance isn't the best and he doesn't have the patience needed to break it in. haha!! And I'd KILL myself if I tried to do it!!
better than a disco stick. ;)
I never could do one of those dang pogo sticks. If it didn't have a tail and mane I was toast.
Poor Dalton road in a car seat until first grade!
i can barely walk let alone pogo! yikes!
No pics of you pogoing??? What great exercise too!
Good for you! I love pogo sticks! Maddy looks so cute on it! : )
Oh yes!! We need to see pictures of you pogo-ing. I was thinking that it must be good exercise.
Yep, our girls won't way much for a very long time. LOL In a booster until Jr. High is about right.
Umm...I meant weigh much and not way much. Scary little mistake. Darn that aging!
I love pogo sticks and I can still do them!! I saw them all over the stores and catalogs for this summer. I really wanted to get one but I new it would be more for me than the kids- maybe next summer!!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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