I've been tagged by Lisa for a six quirky things meme. Hmmm -- only 6! Here goes:
1. I'm still a newbie at blogging as you can tell since I couldn't exactly link correctly to Lisa! Am still learning people -- cut me some slack! [See note below.]
2. I eat some chocolate every single day and some days-- LOTS of chocolate. Love having a Hershey kiss (or two or ten) with some coffee in the morning. I could easily be in that study where they're asking women to eat chocolate every day.
3. I'm a twin and some relatives still refer to me as "one of the twins" even though my twin and I don't look at all alike! And one uncle still calls me Janny!! Sweet (yeah, haven't been called that since I've been 6 or 7)!
4. I hate driving on the interstate! I'll take a two-lane highway and delay my arrival to avoid the interstate. When driving alone (on the highway or in bad weather), I talk out loud telling myself what a great job I'm doing!
5. I call my Dad by his first name, Al, all the time and Maddy does too! And he likes it!
6. Just about everyone in my immediate little family goes by their first initial and "boo" as a sort of nickname. Boo sounds like the beginning of our last name. It all started with #2 son - cboo!
I would tag some people, but as you can see, I haven't figured that out yet. So, I may have an addendum to this post later. Go ahead, call me a dork . . . and then send me instructions on how to do that!
Edited to add: Yay -- Jodee showed me how to link this morning -- thanks Jodee!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Got It Under Control
Whoa -- that title is an "under"statement to be sure!! Most of you dear readers know that my oldest son is getting married at the end of May! Yikes -- only 1 month away! Well, the beautification of "moi" process continues at a rapidly-escalating rate since the wedding is getting closer and closer. Anyway, I ordered and received my dress (very lovely if I may say so myself), but it seemed a little saggy baggy and . . . who am I kidding . . . I am a little saggy baggy! So after conferring with a couple of friends and my hairdresser, I decided to pull out all of the stops and invest in some Spanx! Well, actually, I went for the JC Penneys cheaper version called Flexees. But really, come on now -- there is NOTHING flexible about it. Plain and simple -- it's a big fat girdle and a long one too -- it goes halfway down my legs to just a bit above my knees!! These garments are not made for the weak -- they are scary! [Oh look -- there's a photo of me below in my spanx and heels with my incredibly long legs! Wow -- this beautification process is really working!] Oh, I can hardly wait for Maddy to see it -- she will die laughing!! But, on the other hand, it really does get everything under control! Another scary thought -- the saleswoman told me that she wears hers all the time -- like under her shorts in the summer!!! OMG -- I thought she had to kidding, but nope, she said that she loves the smooth lines and no flab look! Maybe she just said that because she works there and wanted me to buy more -- no way would I ever wear one under shorts. Well, maybe if I wanted to drop a couple pounds fast as I figure it would be incredibly hot in the summer and I could sweat off a pound or two. I did have a couple of more fun purchases than that one! Found a lovely necklace and dangly earrings and shoes!! And, took my dress (along with my faux-spanx) and had the dress altered a bit so there should be nothing saggy baggy about me on May 31!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ahhh spring!! Achoo!!

Well, spring is finally here! Yay for that and for being outside more. . . . but, aaaachooo!!! My allergies are really bothering me! But no, don't worry, I haven't sneezed so hard that my eyelash extensions have come off!!
Maddy and I did tons of yard work/clean-up last weekend and enjoyed looking at the neighbors' yards. Not exactly snooping -- just enjoying their flowering plants!. Next door, our neighbor's forsythia is blooming and is so pretty -- but, oops, they missed it -- they're out of town. And behind us, another neighbor's magnolia tree is blooming! OH. MY. GOSH -- that is one pretty tree! And oops again -- they missed it -- they are really out of town, as in out of the country in Shanghai, PRC. I was a tad worried that I might make them homesick by emailing a photo of their lovely tree. But, the wife said she was so delighted to receive it on a dreary, rainy day in Shanghai. We hope they will be back home this summer with daughter no. 2 from China. Their no. 1 daughter is 4 and Maddy loves to play and visit with her. New and different toys, you know -- and we have missed them this past year. Fingers and toes crossed that all goes as planned and they return with two darling girls in the summertime.

And it just wouldn't be a good trip to the school playground or park without Maddy climbing around and doing flips! She's little, but her upper body/arm strength is amazing! Truthfully -- it always worries me a bit that her hearing aid will fall out -- but it hasn't yet, so I am just going to give up the worrying about it. More nice weather forecast this whole week -- we are so, so lucky!

Friday, April 18, 2008
Fav Photo and 10 years
Here's a fav photo of mine of Rick and little Miss Maddy -- such a sweet pic of Dad and daughter from a few years ago. I looked for and found this photo to post this week -- the 10th anniversary of Rick's heart attack and recovery. I suppose because it was such a shocking and upsetting day, that my memories of it are so clear. It was just after tax day (ugh) and Rick had just finished up a stressful week of trial (he won, by the way). He thought he had terrible indigestion and blamed it on a mushroom burger from a local vendor. But then, he collapsed in his office around 4:45 PM. He was given CPR, his heart shocked numerous times by firefighters and ambulance personnel and then taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. Unbelievably, the hospital he should have gone to was extremely busy, so he was taken to a different one to be "put on hold" for a while. Luckily, it wasn't too long and he was off to the other hospital where a stent was inserted and the blockage was cleared. He had an amazing recovery and for that, we are all so grateful! As you might guess, he was very, very young (early 40's) to have a heart attack. We are all so thankful for his recovery and good health. This week, I think back on that time and again am humbled and grateful to our family and friends who supported us, prayed with us and helped us through that incredible time ten years ago. And, of course, am so thankful to be with him on this journey through our incredibly blessed life!
Saturday, April 12, 2008

The bridal shower for Catherine today was so lovely and fun! Even the grey skies and chilly temps couldn't dampen any one's spirits. Do you believe -- there were snow flurries on the drive there????? Ugh! It was a luncheon shower at a sweet little restaurant called Le Peep! Too cute! There were so many relatives there that I hadn't seen in ages, including my aunts and a number of cousins. We got to meet Catherine's sister and two sisters-in-law and her Grandmother. And let me tell you -- if the rest of the family is as friendly and fun as they are -- Philip is really getting a great group! The food was yummy -- I had a Denver omelet (I'm sure it was diet -- ha ha!)
Catherine received tons of great gifts!! Seriously, everyone was so generous and the gifts ranged from an adorable teapot in their chosen pattern (Polish Peacock) to wine glasses, serving dishes, a Waterford crystal bowl, silverware and much more. It really was wonderful and so nice that so many in my family and hers were able to get together and celebrate the upcoming wedding.
One of my cousins gave a little welcome to the family -- luckily it didn't scare Catherine off -- even when she mentioned that Catherine is joining a family of hunters -- walnut hunters!! Really, when I was growing up, the entire family went black walnut hunting (yay -no weapons needed) every fall. I think the only one who ate the black walnuts was my dear departed grandfather and the rest of family threw the walnuts out in the winter to squirrels!
Anyway, Maddy was an angel and so I'm adding a pic from the shower [rats -- you cannot see my super-long eyelashes and I really needed to stand up straighter!] and of Maddy as she tried on her flower girl dress last night. So much fun -- I am now beat and ready to collapse on the couch and spend the evening watching Lion King I and II -- Miss M's favs!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sprucing up a bit
I know, I know -- you're probably thinking this is all about cleaning up the old leaves and sprucing up the yard for spring, right??? But no, we're not quite to spring here anyway and this is about the sprucing up and beautification of moi!!! Stop laughing and thinking -- oh man -- she is just too vain!! I have good reasons for trying to look better-- my son is getting married at the end of May!! And the pre-wedding party season is beginning!
So, here's what I've done so far. First, I've lost 12 or 13 pounds since October! Yay! Actually I started my diet/exercise plan because I knew I had to see my cardiologist in November. And I didn't want him to think I'd let myself go since my heart surgery the year before. He did say I looked great, by the way :)
Last week, I had eyelash extensions put on (you, know - fake eyelashes--too fun!!) to see how I liked them. I do like them -- except on one eye -- I think they all came off already; touch-up last night, so am feeling glamourous again today! Last Sunday, I had a spray-on tan done at one of the tanning places. Now, that was a weird experience -- like being in a carwash, except without the proctection of a car all around me! As I stood there in all my glory, a sweet voice came on and would say "3, 2 1, tanning" and the spray would start up; turn, spray, repeat. I do like the way it turned out and bonus, it won't cause any wrinkles!! It's supposed to last for about 10 days. So will be doing it again. I like having a little color without having to be in the sun or a tanning booth.
Also have had my usual hair color/highlights done and have been letting my hair grow out a bit, but no closer to figuring out what to do with my hair for the wedding than months ago. We'll just see and wing it. No, no, no, I don't mean I want Farrah Fawcett wings -- I'll just try and do something that is not too poufy. In every single picture that Maddy draws of me --my hair goes way up above my head! She has gorgeous black, shiny straight hair -- mine tends to more of a frizzy, poufy look - aack!!
Tomorrow is the first of the pre-wedding events. A bridal shower/luncheon hosted by two of my sisters. It's a "girl" shower so will include my Mom, niece, aunts, cousins and Catherine's sisters and sisters-in-law. Of course, Miss Maddy will be there and SHE has a really cute outfit. Me -- I think I'm just wearing something I wear to work as the forecast is for another cold, dreary, rainy day. No matter, I figure the sun will be shining from the inside as we enjoy celebrating the lovely bride-to-be and the upcoming wedding. Watch for photos after the event!
So, here's what I've done so far. First, I've lost 12 or 13 pounds since October! Yay! Actually I started my diet/exercise plan because I knew I had to see my cardiologist in November. And I didn't want him to think I'd let myself go since my heart surgery the year before. He did say I looked great, by the way :)
Last week, I had eyelash extensions put on (you, know - fake eyelashes--too fun!!) to see how I liked them. I do like them -- except on one eye -- I think they all came off already; touch-up last night, so am feeling glamourous again today! Last Sunday, I had a spray-on tan done at one of the tanning places. Now, that was a weird experience -- like being in a carwash, except without the proctection of a car all around me! As I stood there in all my glory, a sweet voice came on and would say "3, 2 1, tanning" and the spray would start up; turn, spray, repeat. I do like the way it turned out and bonus, it won't cause any wrinkles!! It's supposed to last for about 10 days. So will be doing it again. I like having a little color without having to be in the sun or a tanning booth.
Also have had my usual hair color/highlights done and have been letting my hair grow out a bit, but no closer to figuring out what to do with my hair for the wedding than months ago. We'll just see and wing it. No, no, no, I don't mean I want Farrah Fawcett wings -- I'll just try and do something that is not too poufy. In every single picture that Maddy draws of me --my hair goes way up above my head! She has gorgeous black, shiny straight hair -- mine tends to more of a frizzy, poufy look - aack!!
Tomorrow is the first of the pre-wedding events. A bridal shower/luncheon hosted by two of my sisters. It's a "girl" shower so will include my Mom, niece, aunts, cousins and Catherine's sisters and sisters-in-law. Of course, Miss Maddy will be there and SHE has a really cute outfit. Me -- I think I'm just wearing something I wear to work as the forecast is for another cold, dreary, rainy day. No matter, I figure the sun will be shining from the inside as we enjoy celebrating the lovely bride-to-be and the upcoming wedding. Watch for photos after the event!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
An Attempt at a Slide Show!
Whew -- last week was so hectic crazy-busy. Got back from Orlando on Monday, back to work on Tuesday and was very busy at work. Add to that -- the laundry and suitcases and seem to be everywhere -- and we are finally getting some order back to household.
Maddy and I spent Saturday afternoon raking leaves and cleaning up the front yard. We could see the daffodils peaking through the leaves and other snipppets of green here and there. Some rain and warm sunny days will make the yard come alive, I just know it! Today, we baked an incredibly yummy lemon cake and took it to my parents for a little belated Easter celebration. The cake turned out great and I loved it too -- even though it wasn't chocolate -- surprise, surprise!
And, as promised, here are some more pics from Florida.
Maddy and I spent Saturday afternoon raking leaves and cleaning up the front yard. We could see the daffodils peaking through the leaves and other snipppets of green here and there. Some rain and warm sunny days will make the yard come alive, I just know it! Today, we baked an incredibly yummy lemon cake and took it to my parents for a little belated Easter celebration. The cake turned out great and I loved it too -- even though it wasn't chocolate -- surprise, surprise!
And, as promised, here are some more pics from Florida.
Edited to add: Am not sure why the slide show doesn't show up -- any one have any suggestions? Thanks!
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